I’m going to a sweat. I don’t know who’s pouring. Pretty sure I’m with Mel and we’ve arrived kind of late so we’ve gotten in line at the end. Tommy walks up and he’s complaining in a 50% joking way that we’re late. He’s older and gone a bit grayer. He gets in line behind and there’s a couple of people still in front of us. Most everyone else is in the lodge already.
Tommy all the sudden grabs his chest and starts sinking to the ground. I help him down so he doesn’t fall. He lays down at the edge of a building with his back to me. He’s stopped breathing. I lay down behind him and put my hand on his back in his heart area and ask one of my healing spirits to come and help him. Suddenly Tommy lets out a big gasp and starts breathing again. He turns onto his back and I put my hand on his chest and ask the spirit to finish anything that needs to be done.
Tommy sits up. The two people in front of us and maybe Mel? help him back to the house. I walk over to a spot and take off my shirt and prepare for the lodge. When I turn around, the door is closed. I crawl up to the lower right corner of the door and kind of paw at it the way I would to a bear tipi to ask for permission to enter. The water pourer says the door is already closed but whoever was catching stones tells him it’s Sean and they let me in.
The inside of the lodge has a lot of people in it and it’s a really large lodge. There’s a golden glow inside and there are chanli whopakta hanging from the center, but there are no stones and no pit. There’s no where to sit and I lay down in the center of the lodge, and I wake up.
Exhilarating and relieving