rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Georgia and the KeysJuly 12th, 2024

I’m a partly Native American and partly European man, very large in size and stature. I’m being led to different tribes who accept me and share important things about the tribe with me. It’s almost as though I’m very mixed blood between at least 5-6 tribes. There are things I need to know.

I’m in a small town and there’s a large station that has gas, an indoor/outdoor cafe, garage, and store. The thing that’s highly unusual about it is that the tools, the lubricants, and other things aren’t behind lock and key. They’re exposed as if you were a neighbor, you could just come up and use the things. Everything is also very clean and feels friendly. The place is called “Unocal”, and I see the 76 symbol, but I also see the Pegasus from Mobil oil. The openness of it all is very striking.

I’m getting into the back seat of a classic small-size sedan. It’s tan inside and out, probably European, with a bit of chrome in all the right places. There are a couple guys standing nearby, looking a bit morose. Georgia is in the driver’s seat. There’s another woman in the passenger seat. Georgia turns and hands me a large manilla envelope. Inside is a ring 8-10″ in. diameter with about 10 or so keys on it. The keys are all different sizes and colors. She tells me that she took from the office so that I could have them. It feels like a big responsibility and I wonder if I’m capable of utilizing them.

I ask Georgia how she explains NOS to people, and how her definition may change depending on the person. She tells me that’s a good question. She starts up the car and the doors close and she takes off. I ask if she realizes that my car is back behind us and she affirms that she does. She’s driving through a forest and there seem to be faery villages and lots of beautifully colored flowers. The car meanders through the trees and onto a road.

At this point I’m awakened by a hand on my shoulder. I was working the dream but could only go in reverse and recap at this point. I was a little nervous, and little curious, and a little unsure.

Bear CubsMarch 7th, 2024

I’m with Cheryl in some sort of large room or cavern. A bear cub that’s silvery jumps on Cheryl’s shoulders and puts its arms around her head. It’s not in a malicious way, but in a kind of endearing way. Then another cub approaches me and it’s half man, half bear. I study it’s features and I don’t know what to make of it because it’s a little strange. But the cub is nice and nuzzles up to me.

The CancerMarch 2nd, 2024

I’m with Inna. She has cancer somewhere in her chest. I start channeling a huge amount of healing energy into her chest. The dream is potent because I can feel the energy. It’s not a normal dream. It has that same electrical/magnetic feeling as the dream with the wizard when I was younger. There’s another man there and he’s letting me know that there’s more work to be done. There’s an entity of some sort and I start moving energy toward him and her at the same time. But it gets more complicated and the energy isn’t as pure, but requires thought or mind, and to make decisions.

LookoutFebruary 10th, 2024

I’m with a young man in a convertible. I think it’s a red Fiat Spyder. Were at a bay hanging out new the ocean. There’s a large dome-like island rising up at the shore and there are homes on it. We decide we want to drive up it and found a nice lookout. We drive to an intersection, turn left, and proceed up the road. In the middle of the road is large board with a hinge and two wheels. It appears to have fallen off a work truck. I ask the guy to pull over so I can get it out of the road. Someone drives down the road and drives around it. I reflect on how lazy people are.

I move the object off the road but there isn’t anywhere to really put it. I’m in someone’s driveway noticing their beautiful flowers. An elderly woman comes out and starts talking with me and I tell her what I’m doing and the dilemma of where to put it. Then a younger woman comes out to chat as I notice the front of the building is an aquarium shop. It’s very beautiful and colorful.

I drive off with the guy to a little village and a gas station. An older man asks us where we’re headed and I tell him to a lookup. Somewhere along the journey and remember that I’ve been here before. It’s like constant deja-vu. The man starts to describe the lookup up ahead as Devil’s something or other, and I tell the man that I know where it is, that I’ve been there before. I can’t really drop in the memory, only the visage of the memory.

Pretty, feels good, up-scale, memories, deja-vu.

MagicFebruary 6th, 2024

Magicians are performing magic tricks for me. There’s no specific tricks or magic, but this dream goes on for hours. I wake and sleep back into the dreams for probably 3-4 hours.

Mars / Venus are in the night sky meeting. Venus going to the underworld, Mars arising from the underworld.

Bound EagleNovember 10th, 2023

I’m in a room with a group of people. It’s dimly lit, kind of reddish. There’s a group of people there who are adepts from different tribes or groups, trying to develop extra-sensory abilities, or craft abilities. There’s a young lady in the group who’s exhibiting very advanced abilities to “see” psychically. My own ability comes to the fore and everyone realizes that I’m really good at this. Then, this etheric body of an eagle swoops through the room. Everyone is a really startled but I get this message that we need to go outside. I walk out into a yard and over to a freeway at the back of the property where there’s some construction going on. I climb up the rubble of the construction and there’s the eagle, bound up in locks and chains. I use my power to free it. The group of people is astounded at what’s happening.

Freedom, Powers, Accomplishment, Difficulty

Baby OwlNovember 8th, 2023

I’m in a room like a class room with a bunch of people. This baby owl flies in and lands on the desk in front of me. It’s really attracted to me and is nuzzling me. It’s adorable. The other people in the class are a bit perplexed. I set the owl in a box on a lower shelf of the desk/platform I’m working on with some other things so I can continue working on whatever it is I’m working on. This large cat comes in and attacks and disembowels the owl. It’s quite shocking and I can’t stop it. I pick up the owl and try to help it but I think it’s too late.

Elated, then Shocked

The Song PitNovember 6th, 2023

I’m in a pit dug in the ground, about 4 feet deep.  I’m sitting around a group of rocks with a group of women and men.  There’s about 5-6 of us.  We have sticks in our hands and we’re using them like drum sticks on the rocks and singing.  Ken is in the pit with us and he has a large pole in his hand.  It’s about 8-10 feet long and he’s both burning and grinding one end of the pole in fire and on rock to sharpen is so he can put it in the ground as a post for a large tent-like construction.  It reminds me of the scene in I think it was Little Big Man where he sun dances inside a large tent-like structure on a center pole.  So Ken is creating this pole and I’m leading songs and I look at him and I kick out the Red Road song.  Ken looks at me and gives me a nod of approval.

Feels old, like a memory

High energy

Dead BodySeptember 22nd, 2023

I’m at a sun dance. They’re clearing the arbor and I’m near some sort of bicycle repair area. There’s an accident that a couple guys that were clearing the arbor inhaled some deadly fumes and they died. One of them was Robert Jackson. I haven’t seen him in years but he gave me the Robert Anton Wilson book whose name I can’t remember.

When I’d heard he died, it really bothered me. But as I was working with the bicycles, some guys carried the bodies on platforms by us. The bodies were black. When I saw Robert’s body, I burst into tears. The guy I was with asked me why I was so upset and I told him it was because I knew him well.

Feeling upset

bicycles are always about balance

Tree DayMay 8th, 2023

It’s night time, just before midnight on tree day of the dance. I’m going about doing stuff and I’m carrying a wing. Not sure if it was eagle or hawk. I walked along a road and I’m doing something when a man approaches me. I know that M Daily was one of the dancers. The man asks me why I wasn’t at the drum. I’m considering the question but I know I was up to something that felt more important.

Feeling that exhileration while being at dance.

Wondering what I’m doing.

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