I was in a house with a large number of people and we were deciding who was going to get what room. I was the oldest. There was a girl who I think was Miranda. I was trying to persuade her into giving me something or letting me do something, I can’t really remember what it was but I remember joking to her about it and thinking she was finally going to give in. Suddenly, everthing changed.
I was in a room with an old woman. She had very dark skin and an old, wrinkled face. She was short and hunched over and wearing all white. Not a bright white, but more like a faded old white in a thick linen fabric. I was telling her that my arm just below my shoulder was broken. We were in some sort of grotto, lit by candlelight. Behind her was a large black wall.
I started to see red a green and yellow swirling cirles on the wall. They started to talk. I realized that it was my injury that was talking. It was healing itself my talking to me. The images changed as my energy grew ’til I was trembling. The voices, loud, authoritative were speaking out of my body almost as much as they were out of the images on the wall. I could feel a very deep presence and a growing movement or force inside myself.
I awoke.