rhythma - sean michael imler

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

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Archive for June, 2008

Running From the DevilFriday, June 20th, 2008

To quote Van Halen.  I was being chased.  My dream started with me in a VERY large and deep pit in the sidewalk and street next to a large building.  I had lured a man and woman into the pit so that I could escape from them.  They reminded me of Heman and Shera.  He was this big northern barbarian type with long blonde hair.  He was wearing a brown leather chest piece and a loin cloth.  She was much smaller by comparison, had blonde hair, and was wearing clothing of a similar origin.

As I escaped the pit that I had trapped them in, I looked down and read that dismay on their faces.  But I knew my job wasn’t over.  I had yet to escape the flying demon.  He looked like what many depict as the devil, with red skin, horns, claws on the arms, hoofs on the legs, a long tail with a triangle at the end, and large bat-like wings.  But I didn’t think of him as the devil but rather a demon.  He was after me flying through the air.  I ran into the stairwell of the building.  I knew that the only way to  escape was to run the stairs to the top (10th floor).  Once I did this, I knew that I then needed to run back down to the 7th floor.  Once I reached the 7th floor, I looked down a corridor that led to an outdoor patio.  There, I saw the double doors open and I knew this was my escape to freedom.  I think there was something medical about is as I remember people that I think were in lab coats.

Dump truckMonday, June 2nd, 2008

I was watching some trucks driving down the street.  One of them was a dump truck.  It wasn’t rolling on four wheels however.  Someone inside the truck was driving it down the street on a bicycle wheel with one foot.  The other leg was hanging out the window at an odd angle to keep the truck balanced.  I think he had a big challenge when he came up to a red light and was forced to balance there perfectly and couldn’t do it and the truck came down.  Whoever was in the truck with him threw him out as if he had failed.

I was so astounded by his ability that I went into some cafe and was telling these people what I saw.  The difficult thing was, I was trying to tell them in Spanish.  I didn’t do a terrible job but I was feeling that they were getting a little impatient with me, which was always something that bothered me about using spanish with people who’s english was as good or better than my ability to speak spanish.

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