rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Archive for January, 2016

My BirthdayWednesday, January 13th, 2016

I’m dreaming it’s birthday. I’m seeing cake and fun party things but there’s a part of me that knows it isn’t really my birthday today and I’m wondering who this new me is.

The Silver BallsMonday, January 11th, 2016

I’m watching three large balls on a large floor. One is larger and obviously dominating the other two smaller balls that are 1/4 the larger’s size. The larger ball is the size of medicine ball but it bulges at the top and bottom in the same way the earth bulges at the equator. I’m practicing at controlling the orbit of the smaller balls around the larger ball. I’m also controlling the larger ball’s position on the floor. The control is happening with both my mind and a dial in my right hand. It’s very challenging to try to control the orbits because if I use too much effort, I lose control. If I let go control too much, the balls swing out of orbit or hit the bigger ball. Suddenly, one of the smaller balls approaches me and I can see that there’s an eye on it like a camera lens. It stares deep into me and I deep into it. There’s a powerful acknowledgement that we’re looking each other as a rainbow like corona grows around the eye, but I realize that I’m starting to lose the connection. The ball starts to steer away as I wake up.

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