I’m with a plain clothes police office at an apartment building next to a field. We’re looking out into the field at a large beast. It’s hard to make out what it is, but we know there’s a reason to investigate it because someone is scared about what it might be. I start approaching it and it comes toward me and I realize it’s a really big black dog. It look like a cross between a black lab, a mastiff and a doberman. It has white on the chest and it immediately takes a liking to me and I to it. I start talking to it and scratching it and notice its collar. I look at a tag on the color and the name on it is “Severed Raindrop.” I decide to try calling the dog Raindrop and he immediately responds. I’m wondering whether I want to bring the dog with me when a woman shows up claiming ownership over the dog. I think she’s Jamaican. She has a large curly head of hair that’s been dyed and is kind of orange blonde. We talk for a little while before I wake.
Feeling connected to the dog.
Interesting that it’s the first black dog to show up in a dream that wasn’t antagonizing me in some way. I wasn’t afraid, so maybe something’s shifted that I’m not afraid of any longer.