I was in the back seat of a car that George was driving. To my right was someone else, possibly Anthony. We were going to drop him off near a hospital or doctor’s office. He got out of the car holding an iPod I think. We were looking for a place to turn around and it was near a gas station. I looked out the back window as we were backing up and I saw this girl with at the gas pump drinking the gas and dousing her body with it. It was really weird but I didn’t get freaked out until I saw another guy doing the same thing. Then I was like, “George, let’s get the hell outta here. Something’s not right.” So rather than turn around, George continued forward. Then he got a call on his cell and stopped to take it. It was from his doctor’s office. They had told him that they needed to remove his trachea but that they thought he could grow a new one from some other point in his neck. He replied that in his medical condition, they needed to be more realistic about what healing abilities his body actually had.