rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Richard’s Forest

Richard was living in a house in a forest. We were riding in his truck and he was telling me that all of the inhabitants of this particular area were moving because of a drought. He was showing me a map of the forest roads and telling me about the families that were moving and where they were going. He was living in a nice house that was broken up into sections. He had a living section, there was a rental section, and there was another section that was easily modifiable into what he wanted. We were talking about his plans with the area and I mentioned that maybe he wanted to fix up the rental area a little more and he commented that he’d already done enough to that area and didn’t feel it was necessary to do anymore.

I think I was planning on moving onto the property and we were driving by the entrance too it. The road too it was a large embankment that looked really difficult to get onto because of a very steep incline and bit of a shelf at it’s base. I knew we could get onto it but really had my doubts that we could safely get back onto the road when we wanted to leave without crashing nose first into the road. We stopped and got out of the truck and went into some sort of large work shed to fix things. We were in there a while with some other person making changes to the area when these three animals started stalking us and wouldn’t leave. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before that attacked but we weren’t close to being finished. Finally I stepped aside from where we were working to meet the attackers. I had a large knife. The first came rushing at me. It was a large black and dark brown wolf with huge sinister jaws. I branded the knife and it came running at me but I was ready for it. Instead of jumping on me or at me, it fauxed the attack lunge and pounced to my right and I moved toward my left…

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