I’m with another man and we were on our way to a location that’s a cross between a convent, a school, and an orphanage. There’s a woman there that’s not doing good things to the kids that are there. We drive there late at night and when we arrive, we look for the building that we need to be at. It’s dark, so we’re proceeding with flashlights and it difficult to determine where we should be because there are so many buildings. We start to enter a small gate to the patio of one of the large stone buildings when an owl starts attacking the man I’m with. We’re both trying to defend him when it starts attacking me. Eventually it attempts to fly away but losing many feathers in the tree above us. I shine my light on the feathers and notice how beautiful they are. I hear a strange mechanical sound and look around and find a vibrating piece of metal contraption that’s wrapping around one of the claws of the owl. I notice that it’s battery operated so I pull out a couple of the batteries to stop it. I feel sorry for the owl and wonder if that’s the reason it was so angry. Next thing I know, I’m inside the building sitting with a large group of kids who are a little scared and uncertain of what’s going on. I’m there now and it seems safer. There’s something unusual about one of the kids but I can’t pinpoint what it is.