rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

The Motel

I was supposed to meet Kirby somewhere. He’d agreed to travel somewhere with me that Mel couldn’t go. I stopped into a town and was looking for a motel to stay in. I found one next to the freeway but when I looked around, it wasn’t too savory. There were nice houses around in the neighborhood but the motel itself was a little trashy. I was thinking that Kirby wouldn’t like it, and I wasn’t too fond if it myself.

I drove to the other side of the freeway past a beautiful tudor style house with the lights on that looked like it jumped out of a Kinkade painting. The motel wasn’t terrible. I parked and walked up too it. There was an outdoor cafe that was serving and I was hungry so this was a big plus. I started to walk toward the office. It was night and I didn’t see anyone there but looked upstairs and noticed some people leaving a room. One of them told me that they were checking out and gave me the keys to all the vacant rooms so that I could look at them.

I checked out the upstairs room but wasn’t all that crazy about it, so I went looking for room “G” as indicated on the next key. I walked downstairs and into a large room off of the office where there were a few people sitting. They asked me if I needed help but I told them that I would be ok, thinking that it would be simple to find the other rooms. That turned out to not be the truth. The layout of the building was so utterly confusing that I walked into a broom closet at one point to the entertainment of those around. I found other rooms, but not G. Some of them were next to maid’s stations, another next to a restaurant, one way across the swimming pool all by itself. The only way I could find “G” was to ask someone who directed me into a large game room filled with noisy people playing air hockey. Way on the other side of this room was G, and as I walked to it, the arcade was closing and people were leaving.

I walked into G and it was a round room with pillows on the floor, and racks of clothes that I would assume were for sale. It was very strange. I rummaged thru the clothes because they were really colourful, but that all seemed to be for children or women. I left the room.

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