I walked into a room and a I think Sandra was teaching. I had a bunch of yellow flowers in my hand. The teacher asked everyone to pick up a drum or rattle and sit down. We were going to sing a song to Kindra. She asked me to be the vocal lead. The rhythm was a polka with two backbeat hits every other time and the end of every measure, I would say, “Oh Kindra.” She really wanted me to ham it up. It was pretty fun. I did a wipeout Beach Boys Kindra, a Bella Lugosi Kindra, etc. I think Kindra was a young woman that was there.
I’m at Andy’s and I’m looking for a dress to wear. I’m picking thru her wardrobe and I come across some that looks good while I’m seeing a picture of Andy tho I notice that she has a different complexion with freckles. I put on a dress and I too have freckles, especially on my chest, and my skin tone is really light. Next thing I know, I’m at a restaurant and it’s a Tuesday night. I really want to dance but there’s not dancing going on tonight so I walk out wondering where else I can go. I catch a reflection of myself and I’m wearing pumps and have a purse.
I’m by a river or on a old river bank, and there’s a guy that I’m worried is going to get out of hand. I telepathically call on an asian woman whom I know has a deep relationship with a faery. I know that she can help me with this man, so I’m waiting for her to come.
Thoughts: I can’t recall ever being a woman in a dream before. It makes me wonder if this was a past life thing since the picture of Andy was different than I know her to look like. The other dream was a lot like True Blood.
I show up at a sundance and the only person that I see or make a connection with is the medicine man or the intercessor, I’m not sure. But, I dance the whole day by myself and when the day’s over, I get in my car and leave, although it seems that I forget something and have to go back. I’m not worried about dancing the other days.
I’m singing Father and Son by a river. There’s a drunk guy there in a big gold Cadillac.
I’m with these two girls who take me to an astral projection school. It’s a pretty campus and the area that I’m taken to has free food, lots of seating, and lots of students around. Everyone is young, no one older than 30. There’s some discussion of techniques but I don’t recall the details.
I’m with the girls from the previous dream and this guy in his 40’s, blonde, muscular, tan, seemed northern European, and was a skilled astral projection teacher. Mel was with us. One of the teachers of the school was excited to have him there and wanted him to come in and teach. We were hoping he would do some work with us for free ‘cos he was a friend of the girls and we didn’t have money to spend. He was making us some sort of offer and we wanted him to make it better since there was this teaching opportunity for him and we were going to get him paid for it.
There’s a mud track like a motorcycle track and there’s I’m following a woman thru the twists and turns. I notice some tracks that go off the side and down the hill, a big oops. As we go along the track, and follow the tracks to see where they end up. It looks like they didn’t get hurt or anything, just a little shaken up. I’m possibly on a motorcycle, not sure.
I can’t recall if this was from last night or a memory from another dream, but I remember being in mom’s garage with motorcycles. There are lights and parts, and it seems to be dusk. I’m working on stuff, hanging out.
I was getting ready to a filming of a live song performance. I had worked out my guitar part to a song that required a capo that I’d forgotten to put on, and meeting the drummer (white woman) and the bass player or horn player (black man in a suit) for the first time. We knew our parts individually but had never rehearsed together, but the song we knew and there shouldn’t be any surprises. I’m getting ready and I’m going over the chords. It’s a cool song and I’m liking doing this. One of the people on the set is waiting for his grandmother to show up and a station wagon pulls up and she’s sitting in the passenger seat, watching. I think she’s been sick so it’s a big deal that she’s here.
Thoughts: I just pulled from my notes on mom’s garage and I don’t know that I have the dream correct, but I have a recollection of something. Strange.
There was a man that I’d met with long hair. I had the impression that he was very smart and a great musician. He went to a party. I’m walking thru the neighborhood near the old Pedal Shop. I’m wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. As I’m walking, I start ripping the shorts from the waistband down until they’re in shreds and I just have my underwear on. At the time it seemed like the right thing to do but now I feel as tho I’m rather exposed and it’s inappropriate. When I get to the street along the freeway, I run into the guy with the long hair. I ask him how he is and he starts telling me about this party he’s been to. He’s not speaking very articulately, and is speaking about some music he was playing that sounded exotic. I ask him if it was a raga because I can hear it playing in my head. He doesn’t know, “but the food was really good”, he says. He seems to be a different person that I expected him to be.
I’m in the kitchen of a house I’ve never seen before, and I’m arranging things in a refrigerator. Next, I’m in a room and it’s really late at night with two other men. One of them is a teacher and the other is a student as I am. The teacher is trying to help us prepare for a test. It’s a really big test that involves many subjects and this first one has something to do with mathematics. When we finish with that subject, I’m exhausted and want to sleep, but there’s so much more to do. I’m wondering how staying up all night before a big test is a good thing to do and I doze for a while.
I’m in a very large construction zone. I’m pretty sure I’m on a different planet. We’re digging a large hole for something and I have a post hole digger and I’m trying to fix something that is otherwise a mistake. I tell the foreman that it can be done and to give me some time. There’s a girl there that kind of getting in the way. I look around at this large valley that we’re applying a cut stone tile face to. We’re building what looks like a giant arena. I notice that there’s a construction of a table on four pillars that looks really precarious. Someone is calling to a woman who reminds me of Kara Thrace. I’m telling them it’s not necessary to wake her and I know she wants to sleep.
I was out in the ocean somewhere on some sort of expedition. It seemed to be work related tho I was out with a lot of people like the company did an offsite. I returned a little before most others and got to take a shower in the gym. I got to my office and my boss was doing some sort of rearranging of the desks. Most of my stuff was left alone. I left the office and went out into the ocean again, but a pier or dock. I climbed in and was swimming with these dolphin like creatures that were really dark skinned and seemed to be grouping with their mates. I had been swimming with many of these creatures and we were very comfortable with each other, but some of the mates which are male were a little untrusting and not so amicable. Some even had scars. I backed off so as not to intimidate them ‘cos I truly didn’t mean them any harm and actually really cared for these creatures. When I got out of the water, I went back to take a shower but by this time, many of the others had returned and used the bathrooms and they were a disgusting mess. There was food and floors, everything was in disarray including towels, shower curtains, etc. It was really gross. I went back to my office and discovered that they had moved my desk and things, but it was by a window and I could feel a breeze coming in which was really nice.
I recall being in a bed and I was trying to fall back to sleep and my dad came walking down the hall. I pulled the sheet up over part of my face and pretended to sleep ‘cos I didn’t know what kind of mood he was in. But he came and crawled into bed with me and it felt so good to have him be tender instead of mean.
I was sleeping in a large tent on the ground, near a house. Some guy whom I apparently knew came over to talk with me and wouldn’t stop talking until I ignored him showing that I really wanted to go back to sleep.
I walked into a restaurant ‘cos I needed to sit on the toilet and there were two toilets that were just sitting in the middle of the restaurant and there was a man and a woman directing people to them. Even tho I’d been standing there, women were just walking in and getting to go to the toilet while the men’s toilet line wasn’t moving. It was getting irritating. Then, this young guy came up and put his hand on my shoulder from behind and was steering me to move. It really pissed me off and I shook off his hand. Then he did it again and I went ballistic. I got up in his face and told him what for and freaked him out. I even motioned to assault him and freaked him out even more and he started sniveling and apologizing.
Thoughts: Two sleeping dreams is interesting, probably acknowledging what I desire, love and rest.
I had asked for some sign about whether I was doing the right thing in my life:
I was some sort of cop or security guard and I was watching a public complex and one guy on my force was a tall black man that I thought was a friend. He had followed two elderly people into the complex and robbed them. He ran out and I chased him thru the complex. I kept taking shortcuts that I knew but couldn’t get close enough. I even slid down a cement ramp next to an escalator on my feet which bought me a couple seconds but I was still behind him. I was thinking of yelling that he’d stolen my wallet. I couldn’t quite catch him.
I was out in my front yard (fictitious home) looking 2 or 3 doors down, and there was a large tree that was missing its branches. On top was a huge nest and an even larger raptor. I was like a cross between and eagle and a hawk. I watched it fly away to catch some prey and come back and feed to smaller birds. I was really curious and wanted to get closer. Inside my own house was Halloween party and people were dressed up in black and white costumes. I walked thru the neighbor’s yard which isn’t something I would normally do. They had a lot of junk in their yard. There were rivulets of water running thru the yard near the tree. As I got closer to the nest, I could the feathers of one bird spread out like a fan and they had a red stripe along the tips with yellow on the ends. The main bird flew down into the yard where I was and it didn’t see me, but I saw turn into a short man. I approached him and told him how incredible the bird in his front yard was. Another friend of mine walked up. The bird man was young, late teens or early twenties. He invited us into his back yard and there were two women who briefly came out to greet us. One was obviously his mother, the other his sister, tho she was a black woman, very heavy set and didn’t resemble him at all. I started asking questions about the bird that he seemed uneasy to answer. There was this parallel to me and the guy with me being Nick and Hank from Grimm and we didn’t want to let him know that we knew about him. The more I talked to him, there was water rising in the yard that was turning into deep rivulets. I asked him about that too but he acted like he didn’t seem to notice but was obviously nervous. His sister came out and made a sinister grimace. The bird man said something about needing to watch my kid and turned into the bird and flew off. I realized that my son was back at the house at the party and he would obviously open the door for someone in costume so I ran out of the back yard and to my home. The bird man landed on the porch, rang the door bell, got my son to come out, then grabbed him and flew away with him.
I’m standing in my back yard with Karen. We had built a large fire in a deeper part of the yard with a large pool or water right next to it. The fire would heat the water for soaking. While we were standing there talking, I looked up into the sky above where the fire and water were, and saw a huge pink geometric shape like a cut stone with beveled edges and angled corners. Below is was a much smaller one. It was beautiful and I commented excitedly to Karen and she responded, “Haven’t you ever seen one of those before?” She walked over to it but I wanted to get a picture and was looking for my camera. When I finally walked over to the water/fire, it had faded away. I watched Karen go into the water head first but the area she chose was really shallow and she was only a foot deep and made a big splash of white substance even tho the water wasn’t white. She finally crawled in and I called her Grace. A guy that was there said he wanted to show my something, so I walked over to a canopy and he had a large book. There was something about June 8, 1665 or so which was in interesting date. Suddenly the mandala appeared again, not quite as vivid as it was before, but beautiful just the same.
Thoughts: This the third dream with Karen in it. I don’t have a son, so who was that and why did the bird man want him? Two dreams with black people, after the other I had this week, more than coincidence. The home was not any I’ve ever lived in. It didn’t feel like Halloween.
I’m taking some sort of class near my mom’s house. I’m being taught to expand something, I guess in my energy field. I can see it and it’s like a grainy digital dress coming out from my body and I can get it to raise and extend far beyond my body. It looks organic as it’s mostly red, the colour of our muscles, but with fleck of other colours ‘cos of the digitization. I really that I need to pee and it seems that the only place I can is a bathroom in a house that’s across the street from my mom’s house. I’m wearing white figure roller skates as I role past my mom’s. I’m thinking that white’s a girl’s colour and I’m wondering why white. Front the street I can see thru her side door and she’s sitting there with some other woman and watches me skate by. I get the other house and walk up a short flight of wooden stairs and left into the house’s kitchen. I turn right where the toilet is and there’s a metal strainer laying on the floor and a heap of corn meal. I pick up the strainer and set it on the counter and realize that I was here just a little while ago because I’d picked up other things earlier. There are cobwebs and the place looks like it’s been abandoned some time ago. I feel a sense of unease being there even tho it’s the light of day.
I was with a large group of people from UCM and we’d parked in a dirt lot in a place that seemed an awful lot like the desert of Arizona. We were going to Corky’s place of work. It was a shop that was glass on three sides; the kind of place that may have been built in the 60’s, like an old tire shop or something. I can’t quite latch onto what the business was, but it seemed like a Planned Parenthood or something to do with public assistance. We stood around inside the shop chatting and then left. I got in my truck and was driving it into the dirt drive next door where everyone was parked but I couldn’t go as far as I intended so I parked and got out. I ran into Kyle and he started telling me something but I don’t recall what it was, but a conversation ensued. Suddenly I was with Kyle in a different room. He was holding a small roulette wheel, trying to get it to work, but the pea kept flying out. He was able to give someone a prophetic outcome from it but they weren’t numbers, they were names. He did it for me and my outcome was little thunder. Mel walked up and I said he must be big thunder.
Thoughts: Interesting about the roller skates. This is the second time in the last couple weeks the roller skates have been involved. This is also the third dream this week with my mom’s area in it.