I was living in a time when there was a lot of trouble on the earth, not that different than it is now. Some people had traveled to a different dimension and were creating a world that was peaceful. I was asked to travel to that new dimension to help bring in necessary objects and to help stabilize them so they could exist there. I was first escorted to the new dimension to meet the team. We arrived into a fairly barren location. It was dark, and we entered into a sort of fissure or fault line but there was greenery growing. I stepped out of the machine or whatever it was that we were in. It was pretty amazing. It was quiet as I didn’t know quiet could be. I was scared in a way. It seemed like I was waiting for some presence to come out and attack but nothing happened.
I met the team and was shown how they were working on a grid that paralleled the two different dimensions and enabled the transfer of things between the two. They were different. Being in this dimension, they were able to make modifications to themselves physically that suited their personalities, and they things they wore suited their tasks. I was shown objects that had been brought in and the explained the difficulties in keeping structural integrity of them across the dimensional shift. I was given information on what to avoid when making these transfers so that I could help in the project. We then went out to make adjustments and to show me around. We were traveling down a river that was party covered with ice sheets. One of the guys who looked like he was part human and part lion was on a motorcycle that he got to high speed on then laid down and spun out on the ice. I was strange to watch and looked injurious. Andy was with me and as we approached the location where he went down and gotten up and taken off, I found fury knuckles laying on the ice. I asked her if he was injured. She explained to me that permanent injuries didn’t happen. You just perceived your condition however you want to see it and that’s how it was. We passed some satellite dishes near a building that had been created and another guy who looked like a cross between Conan and Merlin went and checked some plugs on these huge cables coming out of the dish base. I for some reason expected there to be sabotage but everything was alright. I’m not sure why I had this looming threat in the back of my mind.
I was with a couple that was getting married. They were trying to put together their announcement to send in the mail but couldn’t quite get the message correctly. I t reminded me of the lord’s prayer and I as I was looking at the five different announcements they’d come up with, I realized that I had the perfect message for them. I shared it and they loved it. I explained to them that I used to recite the lord’s prayer in Hebrew when I was a kid and shared it with them which they also loved. I then walked out of the building we were in which was like a guest house on some property, and proceeded to the main house. I was wearing the woman’s wedding dress I think, or maybe carrying it, I’m not sure. I was trying to keep it from getting dirty and wet which was difficult considering it was raining. As I got to the house, I realized that I needed to climb down a small rickety wooden ladder to get into the house. I was having difficulty keeping the dress in good shape as I descended the ladder.
I was sitting in a kitchen with Andy and who I thought would’ve been Kevin but it didn’t look like Kevin, and this guy was an attorney. We were talking about the fact that a printing company was soliciting him to move his business to them instead of doing it in house. I asked him if he made a lot of copies, and then I retracted the question and gave him the answer. “Of course you do”, I replied, extending my memory back and relating to him that when I was much younger, I worked in the copy room of a large law firm in L.A. He commented that the copy company was trying to persuade him by offering a getaway on a secluded island that was equipped with high powered telescopes that would give him ample opportunity to study the celestial sky without interruption. It sounded like a pretty cool deal and he was on the verge of accepting.
I sat at their kitchen table during this conversation with a portion of my attention on a picture of a young black woman with a round face and smiling eyes. The picture sat in a tooled tin frame of the ornate Mexican variety and my found my finger skimming the edge of the frame until all of my attention was absorbed into it. Suddenly, I found myself on a street running parallel to a river wash. The street was lined with large bull pines, and I was being towed on what seemed to be a skateboard. Who I was being towed by was a largish Mexican man in his early twenties. He was wearing dark, stylized jeans with embroidered pockets. Every so often he would crane his head back far enough to make sure I was still there. I commented to him that he reminded me of George, whom he probably didn’t know.
We pulled into a driveway on the left and into a large parking lot. He continued forward until we came up to the curb in front of a restaurant that glistened white and bright in the noon time sun. “They” ushered me into the restaurant to be seated with a group near a patio. I started talking to the waitress and the others I was there to join on how surprisingly empty the parking lot was and that, before the downturn of the economy, that parking lot would’ve been packed to the gils at this time of day. I also pointed out that “The Barn” was closed down, which was a huge restaurant that had been there forever. I asked if anyone remembered “Maya”, the breakfast place that had also closed to everyone’s surprise, since that had he best breakfasts in town. The blonde waitress seemed the most interested in what I was talking about, but everyone seemed to be going out of their way to take care of me and make sure I was happy.
Mel and I were flying around in his airplane. We were about 5k ft. up I’m guessing, circling over an area that we were intending on visiting. I was looking down at the area which was lush and green except for the two small cities, one of which we were going to land in. I kept looking for a road that connected the two but try as I may, I couldn’t find any connecting path between the two cities, but I was able to locate the airport in one of them and expected we were going to land there. I asked Mel if he’d radioed the control tower to let them know that we were getting ready to land there, but his reply was very vague. So, I asked him again, but again he seemed to not be paying attention.
We started to descend, and as was got within about 750ft. from the ground, we went thru a cloud bank. I could hear the engines of another plane that sounded incredibly large, but I couldn’t see it which made me kinda nervous. We continued our descent without any problems, but when we broke free of the clouds, I realized that we were nowhere near the airport. Mel’s plane had the ability to stop in mid-air and turn it’s wings downward, using the jets to suspend the plane, easing our landing vertically. This was really cool, but he was landing in a park amongst a lot of buildings, and I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to take off again.
As I scanned the park, my attention was immediately drawn to some sort of revolutionary party that was demonstrating and possibly getting ready for battle. They had what looked like a tank, and everyone was armed with something, although I’m not sure that any of the artillery was real. I was a bit flabbergasted with Mel for landing the plane in such a sketchy location and situation and I told him so, but again, he just seemed to not be tuned into what I was saying.
I dreamt that I was dreaming about Robin Williams. He was telling me that there was another internet created. It could only be activated by invitation and it was very tightly controlled, not allowing any dishonest behaviour. It was closely monitored for accuracy of information. If you posting anything fraudulent, your invitation would be revoked. There wasn’t any spam in the email system, and all of the content had to be sited, similar to wikipedia. They way you accessed it was that every address would use www3.blah.com.
When I awoke from the dream, I discovered that there was a www2 that was where all the content from the internet was placed, years ago during some sort of huge migration. You could go to any address and change www to www2 and see the internet as it was before the migration.
I was so excited that I had to tell someone. I told 3 girls and two guys. I soon found out that two guys who were associated with the creation of the new internet would be giving a talk. I took the 3 girls to the talk and they ended up sitting right in front of the guys. They were sitting so close that the girls could see the notes of one of the guys giving the talk, and when he deviated from the notes or failed to give address a point that the girls thought was important, they would question him, or give him a hard time, to the point that he was getting upset. I thought I should be worried about this since I was the one who brought the girls, but at the same time, I knew the girls were intelligent and were probably making him aware of things that he needed to see but couldn’t, based on his heavily left-brained perspective. So I let it go and didn’t worry about it, knowing that things would come together in the best way.
It just goes to show you that spending Christmas in L.A. is surreal. For Christmas Eve, Mel, my mom and step dad, mom’s friend Janet, and I went to the movies. Sound odd but not really. It’s L.A. and mom and Janet are in “the business.” But that’s not the interesting part. What’s interesting is where we went to the movies: City Walk a Universal Studios. I’d never been there before and boy is it visually intoxicating. There’s enough neon there to power a small city. In fact it probably could be considered a small city. There’s enough food, clothing and shelter there to accommodate 10k people. Where was I going with this? Oh, he aside is that we saw, “Hugo.” Pretty good.
So, I was playing Ultimate Frisbee with about 20 guys, out in the desert in the sand. I was making throws and catches that I would never be able to do in real life. I love dreams sometimes. The sand was warm, the sun was hot. I woke up and thought, this is Christmas morning. Why do we have some many songs about snow? I was chatting with an Ausie from of mine and he was telling me that in Australia, they celebrate Christmas in the summer, and many of the shopkeepers will put fake snow in the windows.
In the movie last night, Ben Kingsley’s character remarks, “This is how we make dreams.” That’s an interesting perspective. We look at dreams as being the product of the mind, but really, our everyday reality makes dreams, and our dreams can be as fantastic or as minimalist as we allow them to be.
Andy and I was rushing thru city on our way somewhere. I’m not sure what the city was tho it seemed to be L.A. The reason that I questioned the location was that everything was very clean and well designed, the streets were small and narrow, and there was a lot of white, all similar to a European city like Stockholm. I was carrying a guitar case in one hand and a hat in the other. Andy had something in her hands tho I don’t recall what. As we moved along to our unknown destination, we came upon an Indian woman at the top of a very long escalator. She was carrying some items that obviously came from India, that seemed antique and were rather large. We helped her pick some things up that she’d dropped and in return she wanted to give Andy a large lapis container that looked like a lantern that hung by a chain, but it was actually opaque and the top opened on a hinge. Inside were large stones cut in octahedrons and were quite beautiful. Andy refused it tho, being that she didn’t have any desire to take on more “things” and so the woman offered her a beautiful bracelet which Andy did accept, and she gave the lantern like object to me. I really wasn’t sure how I was going to juggle another thing to carry but I liked this present so much I committed myself to trying.
We descended the escalator, heading off to the right and out the doors of the building and onto the street. The woman disappeared in another direction. We walked out to the street and there was someone directing traffic to stop so that pedestrians could cross in the crosswalk. We were just in time to make the last group to cross which was fortunate because there was a long line of cars that would’ve forced us to wait for a long time, which we escaped from. We walked into another building on the other side of the street that was full of shops. It popped into my mind that I would love to get an appraisal of the items we had just acquired and quickly scanned for somewhere to do that.
I was in my truck, driving along with Harvey and we came upon an accident or caused an accident or something. This part is really vague. I recall a woman involved that had a black cat whom we ended up taking with us into the truck. The sheriff had come by and was trying to get information about what had happened and seemed to be holding me partly responsible for whatever it was.
The town we were in was very small and it seemed that Harvey was the local and I was the visitor, so the sheriff was embarrassed about having to detain us. We did everything we could to make it just a little more painful for him. For instance, that cat which seemed to take an incredible liking to me was laying upside down along my lap while me legs were extended across the cab of my truck. The cat had the most unbelievably thick, soft, black fur and just loved to be stroked. We told the sheriff that we couldn’t possibly get out of the truck to inspect the area while the cat was in a state of ecstasy like it was. It just wouldn’t be fair to the creature that had experienced so much trauma.
Eventually, the sheriff asked me for some identification and he told me he didn’t need to see it, that I could just give him the number. I did and it seemed to be too complicated for him so he insisted that he’d have to take me down to the sheriff’s department. I reluctantly followed him which wasn’t too far. When we arrived, he had me sit down to write out what I did for a living. Behind me, another person was writing out a deposition for something, but he had written it in latin. He gave it to another person who was reading it aloud and commenting on how perfect his latin was. I wrote something to the affect of, “I travel the world helping displaced children reconnect with families after times of crisis and upheaval, especially in countries stricken by war and famine. I do this with my own money and have the flexibility to provide aid without any strings attached which gives me the ability to help children immediately without delays or long wait times, to ensure their safety and proper care.” This also was making the sheriff squirm at brining me into the office but the whole thing was delightful in that we didn’t have an agenda for the day and were just moving along with life.
I was driving around a desert town in a baby blue Cadillac Coup DeVille, mid 70’s era. Some people had loaded the back seat with their belongings and it was quite full. A group of people was intending on going to the city about an hour and a half away and they’d asked me to come but I’d rejected the invitation, not wanting to travel that far. I recall pulling up to a four-way crossroad, and turning left and pulling off onto the left side of the road, across the street from a gas station/food mart. I was chatting with a 20 something blonde girl about changing my mind about going to the city, and I told her that she could ride with me.
She confided in me that her heart was heavy because she’d been in a fight with someone that she held dear and had never fought with before. Now she was feeling like she didn’t want to see them anymore. I told her it sounded like the hero’s struggle. When we don’t find fault in another human, we tend to idolize them, and hold them in such high regard that we forget that they’re human, and humans are not perfect. When the person then does something human and we perceive it and judge it as “bad”, meaning that it affects in us the lower vibrational energies of anger, sadness, etc., we pull them down from the pedestal we’ve put them on and forget all the good qualities in that person, instead focusing on the bad ones.
This the hero’s struggle, to remain the hero despite the foibles that their heir to.
I was riding a large bicycle, like a mountain bike. I was doing a bunch of tricks on it. One of them was balancing on the back wheel and getting the bike to rotate on the back wheel in full revolutions. I think I could almost to 3 complete revolutions before I had to let the front wheel down.
It was my last day at the job that I was at. It seemed like Yahoo! and there were co-workers that looked familiar. I don’t recall why I was leaving, but it was sad. A couple of my co-workers were crying. I remember looking at my email and noticing that after I looked at the last one, the server rejected my login. I also recall many things were white. The desks, the computers, and walls were all white. It felt like a huge change was coming.
I was walking out of a building onto a large grassy area, like soccer fields. I was supposed to meet some group of people that were doing activities tho I don’t recall what. I only remember that there was a bucket of dishes and upon arriving, someone asked me if I would do them. I said, “Ya know, I just got done doing dishes, and I had to do and the dishes at home. I’m done doing dishes for now. I’ll do something else.” In my mind, I was thinking back to doing an extraordinary amount of dishes and I was really over it.
It may have been the same field at night, but I walked up to that place that I’d be practicing with the band I was in. They were doing something a cappella that I recognized from somewhere, but it wasn’t a song that I was really familiar with so I stood there and listened. I think the lyrical content had something to do with someone’s grandfather.