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Archive for the ‘Dream Journal’ Category

Shamanic Circle2Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

I was in the forest and we were discussing the experiences of the questers in detail, one by one.

Odd Dream SeriesTuesday, September 1st, 2009

I was with a large group of people and I and another man had contributed immensely to some group and Jan was there as the leader of the group.  She was looking me in the eyes with that great sparkling appreciative look and shaking my hands in hers and telling me what a great person I was and what a great contribution I’d made and how grateful she was.

Shortly following that, I was walking down a very large hallway in a giant hotel or convention center.  The walls were dark and it was very lavish.  I was following Karen.  I may have ended up in a bathroom I think.

Then, I was up high in a building overlooking the city below.  My friend Greg was putting some combination of explosives and fireworks under his house.  When he finally set it off, his house shot way up in the air, probably 200 feet or more, launched by this extreme explosion.  I don’t think he ever saw that house again.

I was in a large home sitting at a dining room table with my mother.  We were in a reality tv series so there were cameras and mics set up all over.  We started talking about sex but realized that it probably a good idea considering the circumstances.

I was with Mel and we were discussing buying a house.  It was a place that we weren’t certain that we could live full-time but rather part-time.  We were concerned how safe it would be with us being gone so much but were partly relieved that our friends lived next door and would look after it for us.  I was thinking that it was Toby next door.

Backyard AnimalsWednesday, August 19th, 2009

I went into my backyard tho it wasn’t any yard I’d seen before.  I was looking for an animal I associated with a guinea pig tho I don’t think that’s what it was.  It was brown and white, small and furry and was in a cage.  When I got out to it’s cage, it was gone.  I looked up at the top of the bushes and saw a huge boa constrictor.  Then I saw a very large iguana or possible a small komodo dragon.  The first thing I think is that one of them has eaten my little furry friend and I’m pretty upset.  Then I saw a rabbit and the komodos went after it but didn’t catch it.  I went back inside and when I came out again, there were four dragons, two adults and two children.  I was scared of them because they were do large and seemed aggressive.  Then a flood of water came and washed them further into the yard.

In the ForestMonday, August 17th, 2009

I was in the forest with the group from Oregon.  We were exchanging stories and I was receiving a gift from Laurie.  I woke up and he a really hard time distinguishing my bedroom from the forest.

The Alien at the GymTuesday, August 11th, 2009

I was walking down the street in a mildly industrial area.  I met a young man who seemed to be of middle eastern descent.  He wanted to go to the gym with me.  I wasn’t sure I could get him in with my card but we went anyhow.  When we got there, we were standing in front of the lockers and there was some sort of shift change and we were waiting to go work out.  Then this man and woman came up and sat down.  I looked at the man and his eyes rolled back in his head and when they came to again, they were like gleaming cat eyes and his skin turned gray.  He lifted his hand and his thumb and pinky disappeared and his three fingers formed a sort of tripod and the tips flattened.  Then just as suddenly as he changed into this new creature, he changed back into an average looking human being.  He told me that he needed my help because he needed to feed.

The Yard and the Evil SpiritsSunday, August 9th, 2009

I was in a back yard that I didn’t recognize.  There was a tall wooden fence and some sort of altar or brick bbq in the middle of the yard.  I was with another man and a woman named Kelly.  We were being attacked by evil spirits and we were “told” that we needed to run counter-clockwise around the altar shouting “redrum.”  We weren’t supposed to go outside the gate because that’s where the evil spirits were but Kelly vanished outside the gate.  I was frantic and went outside the gate to find her but couldn’t.  Then I saw this small orange cat.  It had been wounded.  I grabbed it and pulled it inside the gate with me howling “Barbara.”  It had one orange eye and one green eye, both with black circles around them.

Bar in BostonSunday, August 2nd, 2009

I was in a bar in Boston.  There was a comedian that I was waiting to go on stage.  I was sitting in a stool chair with someone that I wanted to be next too but got up to get a drink or something.  By the time I got back, someone else had taken the chair so I went to another one.  The comedian was a black man who was in a cop movie with Wil Smith.  I’ve never liked him all that much.  He went up on stage but wouldn’t start his act because he was waiting for Paula Abdul who had a reserved seat in the back.  When she finally arrived, she was with her body guards.  The comedian was dissing her for being late and she wasn’t too happy about being called out.  When he did start his routine, he was rather cynical.  The stage turned into a pitcher’s mound and he dropped the ball and was clumsily looking around for it.

I was with a group of Chinese men.  We were coming out of a parking garage and going upstairs to a restaurant.  The floor we were walking across was fragmented and I wasn’t wearing shoes.  I realized that without the shoes, I wouldn’t be able to walk on the crack between the floor fragments and I told one of the men that I was going to go back and get my shoes from the car.  I went back downstairs into the parking garage but everything seemed to be different and I was having trouble finding the car.

Paul SprawlSaturday, June 27th, 2009

I got a call from Paul Sprawl.  He was coming to Santa Cruz to play some shows in July and asked me if I wanted to be on the bill with him.  I said yes and we starting talking about possible dates.

The DinnerSaturday, June 27th, 2009

I was driving down the freeway with Kirby and Sarah.  We hit a lot of traffic and had to come to a stop.  I had been on the cell phone with Mel.  I got out of the car and walked back and got in Mel’s car.  Traffic picked up and we drove.  We got to a restaurant and ate dinner.  It was Kirby, Sarah, Mel, and some other people.  We all had a very nice time.  We left the restaurant that night and I got a call from them the next day.  They told me that no one had paid the bill.  I went in and paid it.

The Beach HouseSaturday, June 27th, 2009

I was on this beach one the east coast.  There was  a large pier and  on the right side of the pier, it was all sand.  On the left side of the pier, it was all grass.  I remember visiting the neighborhood beyond the beach but I’m not sure why or what I did there.  I do remember that I was walking back there with my mom and two other men.  We were walking on the grassy side and noticed that the house closest to the beach was for sale.  We were examining the brochure in the window and trying to figure out the layout of the house because it was like a two story cottage and the brochure was on the window of what looked like a converted garage.  We joked that it was a beach house in Jersey City and it couldn’t cost that much.

We walked around the left side and found that the door to this room was open so we walked in.  We started walking around the house.  At some point, someone spilled some green paint on the floor.  I decided I wanted to go outside and walk on the grassy knolls on the left side of th pier.  They followed me up a funny little meandering path and we realized that this was a golf course, but the greens has grass longer than the rest of the course.  I was wearing socks and while we were at the top of a knoll, we realized that the sprinklers had gone on and I don’t like to get my socks wet so I was tip-toeing on dry spots to get back to the house.  By the time we made it, it was dark.  I was walking around the outside of the house’s yard and found a large laminated drawing of the layout of the downstairs that we’d already been in so I assumed that there’d be a layout for the upstairs somewhere.  I walked around to the other side of the house and found something from the post master that looked like it would be just that but I was having a hard time making out what it was thru the partially transparent envelope it was in.  I went back in the house toward the garage and told my mom what I’d found.  I noticed the green paint and that there was a large boot print in it.  The two guys were at the front of the house when I noticed headlights coming toward the house.  It looked like the owners were coming home.  I yelled for everyone to run and I closed the garage door and was yelling for my mom to come with me but she just stood there staring at me as the door closed.

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