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Archive for the ‘Dream Journal’ Category

The Bad GirlSaturday, June 20th, 2009

There was this beautiful young black woman and this handsome young blonde haired surfer type guy.  They had just gotten married.  They’d gone into their bedroom which had some sort of multi-level bed.  She flopper herself on the lower one, in line of site of me.  The guy climbed up to the upper part of the bed and they were talking.  I got a glimpse into the future when they’d had a daughter.  The daughter looked like a small doll.  She was about 10 years old but much too small and stringy to really be human.  She got picked up by an older girl whom I did not know.  She was holding the young girl by the shoulders and turned away from her, and she was gently shaking her back and forth.  It seemed like it was harmless but there was this feeling of contempt.  Another glimpse into the future would tell me that this older girl would get the younger one hooked on coke or crack simply so that she would allow men to use her for sex so that she could get high.  I don’t know what her reason was for this but it was done out of spite.

KanookThursday, June 18th, 2009

I was playing with Kanook out in front of my mom\’s house.  I was training him, and when he ran from me, it was really easy to call him back.  There was a little bit of fear that he would run and continue running because that was what I was used to with Wrigley, but he always came back when I called and my fear led to relief.

Mom & the Chord ProgressionWednesday, June 17th, 2009

I was playing this chord progression of a F# – G# – B in a 4/4 shuffle, very bluesy.  My mom told not to just play the chord progression but to lead on top of it, so I started playing an F#m pent over the F#, a G#m over the G# and B.  Then my mom mentioned that she had cancer.  It didn’t seem like it was a big deal.

The Other AnimalTuesday, June 16th, 2009

I was at some sort of club wondering if I wanted to stay and listen to the music or not.  I vaguely remember chatting with a couple people but don’t recall who they were.  Next thing, it’s dusk and I’m standing on the side of a road with Mel.  I’m closer to the car and he’s up higher on the embankment.  This very large animal walked in between us.  It was a reddish colour except around the neck where it’s fur was grayish and it was shaped similar to a large bear except the body was longer and the legs were shorter.  Mel mentioned what it was but I don’t recall what he said.

This creature got into a truck and started driving it.  We decided to kinda follow it by driving on similar streets where we could look up a block to see where it was going but we eventually lost track of it.  Somehow, we had releated this to an antique dealer being stolen from and “knew” that this creature was in kahoots with a man.  We went and told a sheriff’s deputy who was the sister of a man we knew.  She was dating the brother of a woman we knew.  I was now alone a this point and managed to find the squad car on the side of the road.  The woman deputy and her boyfriend were in the car, rather disheveled.  I told them what was going on and she told me she would look into it.  I was sorry that I’d lost track of the truck.  Later I would try and contact the deputy again but have a difficult time doing it.

Edward Marcus Jr.Monday, June 15th, 2009

I was with this young man named Mark.  He was coming to work with me one day.  I was working on some large campus in a place where it was country-like and not city-like.  As usual, I was working on a project alone.  I was outside at a table behind the building in some sort outdoor patio that overlooked some beautiful rolling green hills, and large hardwood trees, probably oaks, walnuts and poplars.  I was probably back east somewhere.  I was having some technical problems with data loading in a timely fashion and there were a couple interaction issues that were consuming a bit of more of my time than I would’ve liked.  I decided to ask my team to come out and look.  Jane was the one who was giving me the most feedback but I was feeling frustrated with the feedback she gave.  In my opinion, she didn’t have the insight that I did about how the application was working so her feedback was based on limited understanding, but I was having difficulty absorbing the situation, especially my teammates were agreeing with her.  I was getting frustrated, especially when the performance of the app was getting so staggeringly slow that I couldn’t even get things to load.  I decided to ask the team to give me some time to try and sort out the performance problems and they left.  I started looking at processes on my laptop because it seemed to be a resource problem.  I finally ended up shutting down Firefox.  It was at this time that I looked around to see what Mark was doing.  It was odd that he’d come to work with me in the first place but I was now getting this conflicting awareness that I was being self absorbed and neglecting him but at the same time, I was at work and needed to be focusing on these application problems I was having.  I looked over and he seemed to be a little frazzled as I watched him go in thru the back doors of the building to go inside and make a phone call.

Suddenly, the dream changed and I was not at work but on a ranch.  The surrounding countryside was similar to the work environment where I previously was, with rolling hills and large trees.  The house was ranch style, very long and painted a pale yellow.  I was with the mother of a group of pups.  It was a litter of four and I was laying down with a ner and three of the puppies.  One in particular had captured my interest.  It was white with black spots like it’s mother.  I was playing with it on the ground, tapping it’s nose while it tried to bite my finger.  Another puppy laying to the right of it looked very similar, white with black spots, and blue eyes.  It wasn’t nearly as animated so I wasn’t putting too much focus on it.  There was another puppy between the two that was light gray with black patches and green eyes.  I associated this puppy with the father who was also gray with green eyes.  The quiet white and black puppy nudged up to it’s mother to get some milk.  I looked over to a nearby ravine between two hills where there were very small lilac looking flowering plants coming up from the ground.  I guess that would indicate that it was spring which it did look to be.  I picked up the puppy and started walking with it and as I looked over again, one of the plants suddenly grew about 5 feet and exhibited rows of lavender blossoms on long thin branches that bent over from their weight.  I made some sort of connection between the plant’s sudden growth and the puppy I was holding.

Then, out of nowhere, over the hill to my right came charging this large beast.  It was the colour of a reddish cow and had the body of a large steer, but the face had been twisted and controrted in a menacing way with larger than normal jowels and huge exposed teeth.  It charged thru the ravine and up the other side to where a large yellow labrador male was barking at it.  There was also a small herd of cattle there and a couple farmers.  I was particularly worried about the lab because I apparently had an affinity for it.  I put the puppy down an ran to the house, in thru the back and door and cut a left down the hallway shouting for Ed to get his gun.  In my awareness, Ed was Mark’s father.  In fact, they were both named Edward Marcus but the father went by Ed and the son went by Mark.  As I reached Ed’s room, he was laying in bed, but he was on the phone.  He had a door to the back in his room and I wanted to access the state of things quickly while letting him finish his phone call.  I opened the door and looked out on the hill.  I saw a large ring of frightened animals.  In the center, at the apex of the hill was the beast.  It turned toward the house and ran at it.  I came all the way down the hill and charged thru the yard and as it approached this cutaway in the side of the house, it vanished.  Out of the cutaway came this docile yellowish calf, with a sort of startled, just awakened gate.  When I looked back out to the knoll, I saw a man with a double barreled shotgun point, and shoot at something in front of him.  I turned to see what Ed was doing.  Now, he was fully dressed and was holding this strange yellowish calf like head that had a spine still attached too it, both covered with it’s original hide and fur.  He said that he’d gone out earlier that day done a curse unravelling by the creek.  He showed me the back of his door.  He said he’d hung the head of something there, and sometime between then and now, someone had come in a taken the head.  I looked down at the floor just in front of the doorway and there was an image of a bear that had been drizzled in outline with some sort of syruppy substance in two colours, dark and light brown.

In the background of my mind, there was a song playing.  It was a call and response type of harmony with a woman singing in an angelic voice, responded to my a choir.  She was singing, “In want of his leg, he’ll be laying on his side.”  The chord progression was a 1/5/6/4 in A.  The melody was a – b – a – b – b – c# – a — e – a – g# – a – d.

The BookSunday, May 31st, 2009

I don’t really have details about his, but I’m holding a very large, thick book.  In it, I recall reading about Jupiter and June, and all sorts of words like love, compassion, altruism, etc.  and I’m feeling the effects of all the words I’m reading rush over my body as I’m sharing the definitions with someone.

The Server CopSunday, May 31st, 2009

I was standing near a chained linked fence.  This cop walked up too me, asking me to stay where I was.  I thought that I was in trouble for something, but he told me that he was trying to get his computer set up as a server to host his web site.  He wanted to know why he wasn’t able to get it running.  I told him that he needed to set up the dns properly and he had to do this in the hosts file.  So he tries to do this but he comes back and says it isn’t working.  Then he tells me that he’s not using Server.  He’s using XP.  I tell him that he needs to be using a server.  Then I’m thinking to myself that there should a be a way to do this with XP and I give him a couple tips on creating a special user, assigning that user to a directory and opening up that directory with read and execute permission.  He doesn’t seem like he wants to do the work to get this going tho.  He seems to want to push a button and have it work for him.  I’m a little exhasperated with him,

Dream of the DreamsSaturday, May 30th, 2009

I really wish I could remember this in detail but all I really remember was having two different dreams about two different women.  In one of the dreams, the woman’s name was BC.  That’s all I recall.  The interesting thing is that in the dream, I was telling a male therapist about the two dreams in detail.

Grandpa’s JunkyardThursday, May 28th, 2009

My grandpa had this large junkyard in back of his house.  It was well organized with rows of shelving units and plenty of space to walk around.  He collected all kinds of interesting nicknacks, especially from vehicles of different sorts like planes, shuttles, etc.  One day when I was in the yard, three guys jumped the fence and came into the yard.  There was this balance to the situation where I needed to be cool because I was outnumbered, but still remain firm that they shouldn’t start anything.  I told one of them the if they did anything that bothered me, that they shouldn’t underestimate what I’d do.  They started scavenging around the yard, picking up thing and examining them.  I never knew what they were up to.  Finally it seemed that they planned to steal stuff and were going to leave with them.  I somehow made their vehicle crash and immobilized them while I called the police to come.  I pointed out a large helicopter to one of them but he couldn’t see it.  When the police came, I told the guys that they should’ve listened to me.

The TranssexualThursday, May 28th, 2009

I was sitting at a table with this woman.  She had long curly dark brown hair, pale complexion, and a very very large nose.  She told me that she was a transsexual.  I told her that I knew a transsexual in Santa Cruz named Zoe.  She seemed to really like the fact that there was another out there somewhere.  She explained too me that it was important for her to become a woman, especially since she didn’t look good as a man.  I tried to imagine her as a man with that large nose, and decided that she probably looked better as a woman.  I told her that she had a lovely voice.

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