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Archive for the ‘Dream Journal’ Category

The GirlfriendThursday, May 28th, 2009

There was this latina girl that I was dating possibly, I’m not sure.  There was someone after her and I had called her house to found out that she’d been moved.  I was with this guy and asking where she was.  He said he didn’t know or couldn’t tell me.  He was standing to my right.  I looked to my left and saw this torn piece of paper with a phone number on it.  I grabbed my celly and called the number and asked for the girl.  They said to hang on and then asked who it was.  I told them and they said they’de have her call me right back.  I looked at the guy and realized that I’d called his house by the expression on his face.  He felt silly that he didn’t just come out and tell me that.

More PuppiesThursday, May 21st, 2009

So, I’m standing in this room and I’m holding a double barrel shotgun.  I’m shooting at some city scape WAY off in the distance and I’m wondering about the type of rifle I’m using and getting the right distance out of my shots.  I’m also examining the loading chamber and replacing shells.  Some other guy next too me is asking how I’m aiming.  I explain too him that I’m picturing dinosaurs on the sides of the buildings.  I don’t know if I was actually seeing them or imagining them but I explain that every so often, they will peak around the sides of the buildings.  Also, I explain not to look at the birds because they’re too small.  Look at the Pterodactyls.

I am now in a living room and there are toys all over the floor and small dogs running around.  I think they’re puppies, similar to Mona, the toy Dachshund or Basset hounds.  I’m stepping around the coffee table and I step in puppy crap.  I walked over to the owner of the dogs and complain and notice bad looking diarrhea on the ground.  It’s all pretty disgusting that the owner takes a hose to help get it off my shoe and apologizes.  And there’s this memory of something that looked like bruschetta in bag.

MunThursday, May 21st, 2009

This was the day George died.  I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare that I couldn’t remember anything about other than a older blond haired woman in a black robe.  She reminded me of Rev. Ellen Grace O’Brian, but that’s all I remember.

The dream was that I was at a concert.  There was a tall stage and there were picnic tables set up perpedicular to the stage.  I was there with three guys, all were straight.  I was sitting in between two of them, both with blond hair.  I got up to go the bathroom, more to blow my nose.  I walked into the bathroom stall and grabbed some paper to blow my nose.  When I walked out, there was a butch woman in an aqua, green and white shirt with blond hair standing at the urinal.  At that moment, another woman walked out of another stall.  I apologized for being in the woman’s bathroom and felt embarassed.  When I exited, I looked at the sign on the door and it read, “Mun.”  So, which bathroom was I in?

As I walked thru this large facility that reminded me of the Monterey Fairgrounds, I came across a puppy.  It looked like a Basset hound but has this really big squishy nose.  It was very cute.  Then I noticed there was a pen of them, around 20 I’d say.  They had different markings but seemed to be part of the same litter.  All of them had these large squishy noses but were very cute.

I returned to my seat to find that two blond guys were now cuddling on the bench.  One was laying in the other’s lap, and the other was whispering sweet nothings in to the one’s ear.  I was like, what’s going on here?  I thought you guys were straight…

8HzWednesday, January 28th, 2009

I was standing, looking down at the ground.  It was covered with all kinds of brightly coloured fish and creatures of the sea.  Most were dead but some, especially the jelly fish were still twitching, showing the final signs of life before giving in.  A voice told me that there was a crack in the continental ice shelf that allowed only sounds in the 8Hz range to pass thru.  Fish used it as a global positioning mechanism, but as soon as that crack split open, the fish would no longer be able to use it and would die.

The CabinTuesday, October 21st, 2008

I was out at a cabin in the woods, far from work or home.  There was a group of young girls staying there.  The cabin was owned by an old woman with white hair.  We were nearing the end of our stay and having to return home and to work.  I was standing in the kitchen with the woman and she was telling me that I could come back anytime I wanted.  I didn’t need to worry that her door wasn’t open, so I was thinking about how I could work and return to the cabin to enjoy myself.

Two FriendsTuesday, October 21st, 2008

There were these two friends who were really close.  They shared everything together: they’re thoughts, they’re feelings, they’re desires and their dislikes and loves.  They were young, maybe late teens/early twenties.  At some point they needed to part ways and go on separate journeys which they did for probably almost two years.  When they finally came back together, there was a difference in them.  Their relationship had a difference in it that was missing some element of intimacy.  One had started smoking.  The other had taken to drinking but was now on the wagon.  Their clothing was different and their facial expressions bore the weight of the witness.

Shamanic CircleSaturday, October 18th, 2008

I was in the gathering hall at Still Meadow with a large group of people.  There were two circles of people in the room and Jan was doing a teaching on some sort of rebirthing technique from the center of the circles where everyone could see her.  The outer circle was made up of people that I had taken the Level II training with.  The energy of that circle was refined, contemplative, grounded and mature.  The inner circle was made up of people that came from different cultures.  There were some in regular clothing, but a couple of other that stood out because their bodies and faces were painted, wearing minimal clothing, wearing exotic masks, and looked like they may have been wearing traditional ceremonial acoutrement.  The energy of this circle was vibrant, immature, seeking and a little chaotic.  We were all watching Jan in the center of the circle.  She was attached to large mesh material that reminded me of nylons.  The fabric was huge and was stretched over two U shaped poles to create a sort of tent and she was inside of it.  She demonstrated emerging from a journey where she was doing some sort of rebirthing from old ways.  She came out of a hole in the side of teh fabric and as she did, the fabric removed itself from the poles that were supporting it and started to disappear.  Her head emerged and the fabric broke from it.  Then here torso broke from the fabric.  Eventually the poles collapsed on themselves and the fabric completely disappeared revealing a whole and perfect Jan.

Puppy CrapTuesday, September 30th, 2008

Someone asked me to watch their little puppy.  I had a couple other dogs so I thought it would work out alright.  Plus, it was really cute.  I think it was a vanilla lab.  I had to leave to go to work so I walked out of the house to where I thought I’d parked my truck.  It was dusk and a little hard to see, but I couldn’t find my truck anywhere.  I was worried that someone had stolen it.  I walked up and down the block.  I thought maybe it was on the next block but instead of walking over there, I walked back into the house find loads of puppy crap on the floor.  That puppy crapped everywhere and walked in it so there were puppy prints all over the floor.  I was really in a hurry and had to deal with my truck so I decided not to clean it up.  I had taken off my shoes and was trying to creep around the crap but accidentally stuck my toe into it.  Then I was trying to clean it off my sock.  It was a mess.  I walked to the back patio to see if it was safe to leave the puppy out there.  I was pretty frustrated.

Avocado PitsTuesday, September 30th, 2008

I was a boy and I was trying to get this large shell-like thing out of a lake or river.  It looked like a large coconut.  When we finally got it out, we went to open it and found that it was like a time capsule with these large seeds in it.  I realized that they were avocado pits.  I didn’t know how long they’d been around for but I scraped one and found that it was good.  I asked who I thought was probably my dad if we could plant them.  We were living on a farm and there was a long driveway to the house and I thought that along the road would make a great canopy.  We talked about how messy they are.

The Drum CircleMonday, September 15th, 2008

I was with my group from Jan’s Retreat and we were standing in a circle drumming together.  I could see each person’s power animal dancing in them.  An eagle was flying in and out of my body.

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