I was in my truck going to the drive in i think, and I got out of the truck and when i returned, there was this black guy with his girlfriend in my truck.  I was like, “What are you doing in my truck?” They told me they wanted to borrow it for a while and I’m like, “I don’t think so.” I told them that I was only staying for part of the movie because I had other places to go. They got out and I got in.  They’d changed my radio station to hiphop 101FM.
I walked into a restaurant and went toward the back. I was thinking of eating there but I had other places to go. I looked at a map and realized that I was close to Jake Street which was where I really wanted to be so I got up to leave. A guy who worked there immediately came over and starting to clean the area and threw away the place setting even though it hadn’t been used which I thought was a waste.
I was on a street sitting in a foldable aluminum chair. I was expecting the chair to move or something because I was upset that it wasn’t. I kept trying to get the chair to move forward but it wouldn’t I ended up standing and walking. There were two corners and I told the people I was with that we needed to make the second right at the second gas stating.
For some reason, I was supposed to fight this big guy. He really was twice my size and I don’t even know why I was going to fight him. We were sitting next to each other in a movie or a play or something and I was saying too him that I didn’t want to grind the pencils down that we were going to fight with. I wasn’t going to sharpen them but I was going to grind them down a lot either. He thought I was crazy and wanted the pencils that we were going to fight with be very dull.
We were supposed to meet in a college gym on these large mats. When I got there, I needed to remove my clothes and put them back on. As I was doing so, a teacher was coming closer and closer to the point that we weren’t able to actually fight.
The dream switched and the guy I was supposed to fight was laying on his father’s lap and they were chatting. He was saying that he couldn’t believe I was going to actually fight him because I was so small by comparison.
I walked into a house that I’d never been in before. I think I was with Kirby but I’m not sure. I was moving into this house and had walked into the master bedroom and bath. It was white, very spacious and open. I walked up to a mirror and my face and head were different. I had thin dark and a much rounder face. I told the person I was with that I was having a very hard time adjusting to this new look.
I was working at some sort of auto repair shop or something. There was this little girl and she was trying to hide from something. They were coming for her and came into the shop. I decided that there was only one chance to get her away from here so I grabbed her by the hand and we started running down the street. I stopped and put out my thumb hoping that someone would stop to give us a ride before they realized that I was gone.
This is really vague, but there was this latina woman in my dream. She reminded me of Selma Hiack. She was teaching me things, either about cooking or about plants. When asked what her name was, she replied, “Esmeralda.” She was very beautiful and I felt I was learning some really valuable things from her. I’d like to see her again.
There was a fence around my mom’s house and I had planted a bunch of trees and other things around my mom’s front and back yards. Brad was needing to load up some building materials to construct something and had uprooted a tree that I had planted and torn into the fence so that he could load the materials into the yard. He’d fixed the fence in a makeshift way so but intended to come back too it to do it right. I was walking around looking for somewhere else to plant the tree. I didn’t feel upset about it but I was having a hard time finding the right spot where there was good light but not too much of it.
I walked into the back yard and there were lots of big hanging plants that I had grown and they were all very beautiful. I was examining them and feeling their healthiness and hoping to find the right spot for the tree.
I was looking at the top of my head. My hair was shaved all the way around and growing out of the top of my head were nappy locks of hair. Andy was there with me and I was commenting that it didn’t seem healthy and that I needed to clean it up. There were small buds growing on the ends of the locks and I was picking them off. I didn’t know what they were but I wondered what they would bloom into. My intention was to pick them off and comb out the locks so they were smooth and healthy. I turned around and behind me hanging on a clothes line was my old army backpack. I was trying to put something into it but I was having a hard time finding the opening to the backpack main pocket.
To quote Van Halen. I was being chased. My dream started with me in a VERY large and deep pit in the sidewalk and street next to a large building. I had lured a man and woman into the pit so that I could escape from them. They reminded me of Heman and Shera. He was this big northern barbarian type with long blonde hair. He was wearing a brown leather chest piece and a loin cloth. She was much smaller by comparison, had blonde hair, and was wearing clothing of a similar origin.
As I escaped the pit that I had trapped them in, I looked down and read that dismay on their faces. But I knew my job wasn’t over. I had yet to escape the flying demon. He looked like what many depict as the devil, with red skin, horns, claws on the arms, hoofs on the legs, a long tail with a triangle at the end, and large bat-like wings. But I didn’t think of him as the devil but rather a demon. He was after me flying through the air. I ran into the stairwell of the building. I knew that the only way to escape was to run the stairs to the top (10th floor). Once I did this, I knew that I then needed to run back down to the 7th floor. Once I reached the 7th floor, I looked down a corridor that led to an outdoor patio. There, I saw the double doors open and I knew this was my escape to freedom. I think there was something medical about is as I remember people that I think were in lab coats.
I was watching some trucks driving down the street. One of them was a dump truck. It wasn’t rolling on four wheels however. Someone inside the truck was driving it down the street on a bicycle wheel with one foot. The other leg was hanging out the window at an odd angle to keep the truck balanced. I think he had a big challenge when he came up to a red light and was forced to balance there perfectly and couldn’t do it and the truck came down. Whoever was in the truck with him threw him out as if he had failed.
I was so astounded by his ability that I went into some cafe and was telling these people what I saw. The difficult thing was, I was trying to tell them in Spanish. I didn’t do a terrible job but I was feeling that they were getting a little impatient with me, which was always something that bothered me about using spanish with people who’s english was as good or better than my ability to speak spanish.