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Archive for the ‘Dream Journal’ Category

The Flying GameWednesday, July 26th, 2006

It just dawned on me that this dream switched on me. When it started, I was with Andy and I was supposed to be going somewhere with her but first she had to run an errand first which was to supply a customer/friend with some product. I was following her along this very strange trail. It seems that she lived in a remote place and shared a driveway and walkways with others and she was having me follow her to someone else’s home nearby. I thinking I was floating. The terrain was very beach like with few plants and those that were there survived in arid climates. We finally made it to this huge party where some people were having their hair done and each was wearing a cape. A few people came out and started chatting. They all seemed to be wealthy and really or pretentiously sophisticated. The person that she was to give the product to was a blonde man who was really sophisticated and I felt a little uneasy. Next…

I was playing this game with some kids and we were able to fly. TI don’t reallyl know what the rules ofe the game were… When I came into the dream, I jad just won something very good. I was able to go to different pots and collect whatever I anted out of them The pots were in different places and there were two at the moment that I was fetching items from. They were both up in the air about 20 feet and I had flown up to them and was reaching into the one on the right and gravving these egg shaped translucent, red balls. There were toys and and candy there also but in tis particular pot, I’m was more interested in these than anything else. The on on the left didn’t have these balls so I was picking ou some candies that I liked. One of hte kids was complaining that I was going to be taking everything and I replied that that wasn’t so, I was leaving plenty behind for other kids. I descended down near the ground to get some from another pot but the game wasn’t waiting for me so I hurried at this one as the game continued.

It was a sort of hide and seek cum tag thing and there was a kid that was it and he was pretty furiosly after me. I had to do something to free the other kids that had been caught by him. He pursued me into the sky and was so close to catching me but somehow I kept alluding him. At one point I blew a gust of air at him and managed to keep him just far away enough that he couldn’t tag me as we flew through the air, twisting and covorting. Finally I descended again to get closer to the the area where the game was taking place and hovered around the constructions built out of wood that created the fort-like atmosphere where we played. It seemed like at some point, we were even under water. The kid that was “it” was younger than I and we must have been between 10 – 15.

At the cabinMonday, July 17th, 2006

I was driving my truck and Kirby was in the apssenger seat. We were getting ready to enter a freeway and I was really wanting to play guitar and really wanted to ask him if he would drive but I didn’t. Next thing I know, we’ve gone to our destination separately and I’ve stopped at a cabin that we own in some remote location. I’ve stopped there to write. There’s a phone on the wall, an old phone like that one my mom has with a long spiral chord. I dial his number and I’m not sure if I ever made contact wih him when I look out the window and I see a car in the driveway. I have one neighbor next too me and I’m wondering if they’re going over to their house but it ends up stopping in front of my place. A group of people get out. They look like college students, male and female. They’re drinking beer. There are about 6 of them. I shout out the window that they need to leave but they’re just ignoring me. One of the walks up to the front door and walks in which freaks me out. Another, a girl in black walks up to the side of the house because she hears me, obviously not realizing that someone is here. I decide to call the cops and dial 0 but no one is picking up. The girl comes into the room somehow and I’m really freaked. I have a pen and mechanical pencil set, both black and silver. I put both in my other hand and am threatening the girl with them saying that I will use them to harm her if she doesn’t leave. She cowers like a crab and is slinking back away from me.

Fish PoolTuesday, July 4th, 2006

There was a very large lake with three boats in it and there were two golder retrievers.  People on the boats were playing fetch with the retrievers.  They would throw things from boat to boat and the retrievers would jump from one boat to another going after the thrown item.  They were juming incredibly far and I was worried for them because the surfaces of the boats that they were landing on were wet.  Finally, one of the dogs injured its front right paw landing on the ramp of one of the boats.

I stepped to the side of the lake and realized that is was actually an enormous swimming pool.  The water had become incredibly still and I was able to see down through the murking green water to the bottom.  What I saw were lots of fish, but they weren’t swimming,  they were just sitting at the bottom of the pool.  I saw killer whales which seemed out of place, and a very long pecostamous looking fish but with many fins and it was attached to the side of the pool and still moving.  I got some gaugles and put them on so that I could get a better look at the fish at the bottom.  I reached my hand in to stir the water and get them to move but they didn’t.  They didn’t seem dead but they didn’t seem alive either.

HorsesTuesday, July 4th, 2006

I was watching horses running in the streets.  It was a the time of the advent of cars and people who were buying them were letting their horses go so many of them were just running wild.  There was a small brown one in particular that had caught my attention so I started following it.  I was making weird little noises that would somewhat spook the horse.  I followed it to a large desert-like open area, across the street from a row of houses.  I made a final noise the horse turned around and made a cross naying sound as if iritated by me taunting it.  Then, someone from across the street shouted at me to stop teasing the horse.

HitlerThursday, June 29th, 2006

I was in what I think was high school. I was getting a nice massage from behind by this girl when she came around to the front of me and grabbed my hand and had me follow her. We went to the end of the school grounds where there was a 3 or 4 foot railing. She climbed over it and I went under it, out into a hillish green countryside. We went down a hill the descended into a sort of ampitheatre. The center was unkept and had bogs in it that she waded through to get to her destination which was a sort of hut or grotto. I followed her into it and we went back in time to the upper floor of a two story house. The house’s interior was wall papered with very elaborate prints of all different colours. As I was looking down the doubleback stairwell, I saw Adolf Hitler in a bath robe. His hair was long and unkempt but he had the distinguising mustache. I knew that this was the time before the rise of the Third Reich. I went downstairs and met up with him in the hallway. I was thinking that I was nervous because I was part Jewish but was also part Irish and thought I would appeal to him as an Irishman. I began to tell him that discrimination was bad and that his hatred for Jews was unfounded but my conversation didn’t get too far.

Mbira on the islandThursday, June 29th, 2006

I was a black man with a brother, mother and father, living on some island where we had been exiled to. Is was a nice place with some big houses and farms. There was some sort of boundary around what items we were allowed to possess and I had gotten wind that someone was coming to take some of our things including our mbiras. I was very distressed over this and took my gandanga and left the house, looking for a place to hide it. For some reason I had removed the row of upper keys and was going to dismantle the whole thing but was running out of time. I remember cliffs that had colourful houses perched on them. I found a chicked coupe near a barn that had a top that could be slid open so I stashed my parts in there and went rushing back to the house but I was too late. There was a large woman in the house that was just leaning down to pick up my deze that had two more mbiras in it. I was frantic but there seemed nothing that I could do. She walked out the front door and I followed her. Right in front of my eyes, she started shrinking until she turned into a small catepillar. I wasn’t sure what to do but felt if I didn’t do something, I would lose my mbiras, so I picked her up broke the catepillar into smaller pieces. I felt dread for killing it/her but I couldn’t think of anything else to do. It was then that I heard the army coming to avenge her. My brother picked up a gun from somewhere and went running. The army, thinking that my brother committed this crime completely passed my by and took off after him. My family and I followed them until they corralled him in this open space. Suddenly, while surrounded, my brother pointed his gun at me. I was thinking that he was angry with me for killing the catepillar woman and was going to kill me. He pulled the trigger and vanished. Everyone looked around in disbelief, trying to figure out what had happened too him.

Butcher’s HouseThursday, June 29th, 2006

I was walking along a road somewhere that seemed like the midwest. The land was rather flat and there were no trees to speak of. I knew that I was on the way to a location that was land that I think I inherited or somehow owned but was not something that I had much familiarity with. Coming upon this land, there was a sort of shack or group of shacks that I knew was used for pulverizing meat to make sausage. Most of the workers were now gone though because there was a huge scandal because the guy that ran it got caught using humans in the sausage. For some reason, he was still working there and not incarcerated. I feared him and thought he was grotesque and the fact that I had to pass by the shack where he was working was unsettling. I walked briskly along the road on my way to the main house where I was expected, the road forking over shallow hills. The road and the forks were dirt, about 12 feet wide, and lined with football sized white rocks. I turned back to look at the shacks in the distance and realized that I was being persued. I quickened my pace but could not outrun them. Suddenly behind me appeared a large white animal the ressembled a Russian wolf hound, kind of straggley, yet ghost like. It clamped its jaws down on one of my hands and another beast clamped down on the other, and they escorted my to the main house. When I arrived, I was greeted by a woman and teen-age girl. The girl had been told that she couldn’t really walk so she didn’t go to far. She told me that her feet were deformed and that prevented her from really going anywhere and rather staying around the house. I looked at her feet and her second, fourth and fifth toes were gone. I knew they had been cut off by the butcher and she obviously had no recollection of this happening, but this had kept her captive at this house by her own ignorance. I told her that she actually could walk despite her missing toes. When she realized this she disappeared for a couple minutes. Next thing I know, she had been beheaded and her head was lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Charcoal CabinSaturday, June 17th, 2006

I was in an empty cabin in the forest and I had escaped someone. I was going to head out the front door when I opened it and saw this big black man with a semi-automatic rifle rushing toward me. I ran back through the cabin, through one room and then throug the next doorway when I found a bag of Kingsford charcoal brickettes on the floor in the doorway. I thought it may be my only chance of getting out alive so I took out a lighter and went and started setting the bag on fire.

TomatosThursday, October 27th, 2005

I was driving in a car with a woman that I didn’t know. I believe that we were leaving a party or some sort of function. She was not driving very well and at some point veered off the road but managed to not kill us. She was talking about tomatos and how she was buying this very particular type of tomato that had been treated a special way to prevent sickness and disease. It simply was that the tomato was left with the stem attached and that stem was heated with fire until it turned yellow. Somehow, this caused the tomato to become cleansed. I didn’t understand how this was possible so, as we drove up this road, I suggested that we stop at this upcoming farm.

When we got there, there was a line of people. I saw Larry and Angela standing in line so I went up to ask them if they’d heard of such a thing. Angela didn’t but introduced me to the woman behind her who was some sort of vegetable expert. As it turned out, they were standing in line because they were waiting for darshan from this guru who was speaking. There was a crowd of people sitting and listening to him and what was going on. I read his name but didn’t understand it when it was spoken too me. I think it was Lakshmi, but I’m not sure. The tomato seemed to drift away from the conversation as we spoke of this Indian philosophy but I don’t remember any more.

Going to AMusement ParkTuesday, October 4th, 2005

I was driving down a freeway, literally down, at about a 6% grade. I wanted to go much faster than I was but there were kids all around me… they seemed to be walking while I was driving on a very large 5 lane freeway. I know I was doing at least 40mph but it wasn’t fast enough and whenever I tried to pass someone, someone else would get in the way. It was really annoying. Everyone was dressed in bright colours and seemed to be in their later teens and early twenties.

I finally reached the bottom of the hill. I realized that I had been talking to Mel on the phone and explaining my traffic frustrations with him. When I turned off after finding the driveway to the amusement park, Mel was in my truck with me and we were talking. I wasa subtley trying to talk him into going to the park and having fun with me because I knew that he was going to go home. I paid for entrance and was going to park the truck. Mel was still saying that he should go home and I was still trying to tell him to go with me and I would get him home at a reasonable time.

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