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Archive for the ‘Dream Journal’ Category

The SquirrelSunday, September 11th, 2005

I was in the swimming pool of a large, 3 story Victorian home. I had a off white straw cowboy hat that had the sides turned up on my head. I took it off and threw it and it landed in the next store neighbor’s back yard. I had another cap, the purplish baseball cap that I wear. I threw it also and it landed on the third floor’s roof of the outside stairwell that ran up the back of the house. I wanted to retrieve the cap but didn’t know where it went. A squirrel came up to me and told me that he would take me to where the cap was if I would follow him. We climbed up the outside of the stairwell, quite a risky thing to do considering we were going a number of feet up in the air. We got to the top but I couldn’t ascend any further due to a lack of hand and foot holds… so I told the squirrel to go onto the roof to where the cap was and stop there. He did and I tapped on the underneath of the corrugated roof panel until I dislodged the cap and it fell off the roof. I grabbed it as it fell and thanked the squirrel for his help.

I took a few moments to take in the surroundings from this unusual height. The view was over backyards and into treetops. I located the white cowboy hat I had thrown earlier. I also noticed some very tall banana trees whose leaves were only growing near the top of the trees and very sparsley, leaving me to think that the health of the trees was deteriorating.

Trees and buffaloWednesday, June 15th, 2005

I was standing in the courtyard of a haciende style ranch house. There were some really tall trees beyond this large barn which looked to be fir trees. Out in the distance was a herd of buffalo, but they weren’t dark brown as I’m used to seeing them, but rather a reddish and blondish colour; very striking. I was listening to a very tall man who was talking about something the a woman named Eileen had said. Interesting thing that I knew that the woman he was referring too was my yoga teacher, Kimberly. He was commenting on her saying something about the redwoods being torn down or something. I realized that he shouldn’t have said that because it was innaccurate but it was too late. The large trees behind him started falling one by one. I was aghast and deeply saddened. Odd thing though: the trees falling started a stampede by the buffalo and they started running right at the house. We all turned and ran toward the house with the charging buffalo right on our heals. I was very afraid. I ran in through a doorway and turned to slam the door and saw a German Shephard also running the doorway with the buffalo right behind. I awoke.

The BeachSaturday, May 21st, 2005

I was in a little cove somewhere along the coast. Its a beach place that I’ve been before in my dreams. I was wading in the water and talking as if I was being recorded for a documentary. What I was talking about was this flower that was growing in the cove. It had been brought to the area by a woman and put in the water. The flower was a small and kind of a salmon colour. Since introduced into the water, it had quickly spread in growth, consuming all other forms of plant life. No longer would fish come to the area because they couldn’t compete with this flowering plant. It really was everywhere, it was amazing.

While I was there, a ranger came up and had gone into the station near the beach. I walked up and told him that I was a biologist studying at the nearby university and asked him about the history of the flower to this cove. He told me about the woman and her family that had brought the flower hear. He mostly described her husband and then 10 year old girl. The husband was very strange. He had sadistic tendancies, similar to the introduction of the flower to the cove, where although seemingly benign, did have some more sadistic motives behind what he did. He mentally showed me some art work that the man had created. Clown images, big smiles, some sexually obscure motifs, pictures of the family, with very crude painting around them… all very strange. I asked if the girl was happy, and there was a response of, “No.”

The Shaman WomanMonday, December 6th, 2004

I was in a house with a large number of people and we were deciding who was going to get what room. I was the oldest. There was a girl who I think was Miranda. I was trying to persuade her into giving me something or letting me do something, I can’t really remember what it was but I remember joking to her about it and thinking she was finally going to give in. Suddenly, everthing changed.

I was in a room with an old woman. She had very dark skin and an old, wrinkled face. She was short and hunched over and wearing all white. Not a bright white, but more like a faded old white in a thick linen fabric. I was telling her that my arm just below my shoulder was broken. We were in some sort of grotto, lit by candlelight. Behind her was a large black wall.

I started to see red a green and yellow swirling cirles on the wall. They started to talk. I realized that it was my injury that was talking. It was healing itself my talking to me. The images changed as my energy grew ’til I was trembling. The voices, loud, authoritative were speaking out of my body almost as much as they were out of the images on the wall. I could feel a very deep presence and a growing movement or force inside myself.

I awoke.

My Grandmother’sWednesday, November 24th, 2004

I was sitting in the living room of the gfamndmother’s house. A frined was moving into her back room. As he walked in, he was carrying a tv. He said how much he liked my mom because she had somehow gotten or won 3 tvs and had given him one.

The HorseWednesday, November 24th, 2004

THis man and his son owned a horse. They would do these routines where they would have the horse in a ring where it would run round and round. The boy would try to snatch a pendant from the horse’s neck. At some point, the horse looked kinda haggered. The boy said that there was a split behind the horse’s left ear that indicated that it was worn out from the excercises. They brought in a vet who informed them that the horse had suffered from the rib break that it had when it had the accident with the dog. He felt that the injury was moving to the spine and that he’d have to put the horse down.

The ProtestFriday, November 12th, 2004

I was at some location where there was a protest going on. Is was at the shore of some very remote location that I’ve been too in dreamland. Other times, I can recall a fishing village of some sort. There’s a really talll mountain peak that’s mostly rock. Down below is some salt water lake or large estuary. I know theran island.

It was kind of hazy and there were many people camped on the shore. I had just arribed wanting to be part of something but I found the vibe to be very dark and somewhat depresssing. I was eavsdropping on conversations which is very unlike me. People were talking about one of the leaders dying or giving up or something and they were worried that the group was falling apart through lack of organization. I think I maybe moked a joint or something with these people and they had said something that I connected with and I toughed the back of a girl’s head and she flipped out. She jumped up and was asking me what I had done. I obviously invaded her sperosnal space and felt very bad for doing so. I apologized but she definately wanted me to leavel. I walked away feeling very alone.

I watched a couple come into the shore on a small floating barge. It was about 25-30 feet square and the man had been navigating and moving it with a very long pole. He and the woman were complaining about something as he moved the barge onto the shore next to a series of others that were there.

I decided at this point that I wanted to leave. I was walking along the shore and some scruffy kid came up to me and asked me for something. I shook my head and as he walked past, he reached his hand into the pocket of my poncho where my hands had been. There was nothing in there but I guess he thought that whatever it was that he was looking for was in there and he was going to take it. I raised my fist in the air at perfect striking point to his face and he receded. By the time I moved far enough away from him, my I was quite tangled up in my poncho which I needed to straighten out. Now, I felt quite violated and was determined to leave this strange place.

At the end of the beach where it ended and the mountain side rose up, there was a storefront built into the rock, kind of like a cave grotto. I headed there to find out how I could get out of there. There was no one in there but an older man in a phone booth smoking a cigarette. When he saw me come in, he hung up the phone and headed over to me. I asked him when the next fairy was leaving and he said on the 31st.

The TrainTuesday, November 2nd, 2004

I was on a south bound train. I was thinking about a man who had been the CEO of a company before the dotcom bust and wondering if it was easy to do it then and if he still had the skin in the new era. It was 6:30pm and everyone was moving to the west side of the train to watch the sunset. A woman asked me if I would go to the bar and get her a povritac. When I went to the bar and asked, no one could figure out what that was. I went back and asked her, and she told me that she was a baby sitter, and that she was part of a group that would take the baby she was babysitting as others would, and bring them all to someone’s house and line them up just so they could sit back and admire all the little babies.

4 BirdsMonday, October 11th, 2004

I was in a room that reminded me of the dining room of the house where I grew up. There were four birds there. One brown, one green, one red, and one white. They were singing. Next thing I knew, I was looking into a nest. The birds were laying there, not moving. I had to look close to discern whether they were alive or not because they were so still, but I then realized that they were sleeping, curled up in the nest. They were very small and very beautiful, their colours complimenting each other. They started to wake up.

4 WorldsMonday, October 11th, 2004

I went to sleep last night asking if there was a way to get the father energy that I never received as a child so that I could move beyond past limitations and lack of nurturance and guidance.

The first part of the dream, I was with a person and we were at some sort of juncture. I observed a spot where two lines converged at a point. On the point was a sort of manhole cover. It was complex in it geometric design, made of steel, and very large. The lines were electrical and carried a very large current. I watched as white light blazed down the lines, meeting at the point and energizing it. The person and I descended upon the point and he grasped it with his hands and gave it a large twist. The world around us changed as if an entire epoch had gone by. The sky changed colours. I felt history sinking and vanishing into time. This person did this four times until we had arrived at a particular place, and time settled in. It felt like the past although there was nothing recognizable, just a large deep golden sky, a setting or rising sun, and miles of brown earth with this large steel plate or portal in front of us.

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