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Archive for the ‘Dream Journal’ Category
I was moving into a really old large house with Andy. We were moving stuff in and I was upstairs. The house was very large, Victorian. The white paint was crumbling off the walls. I was thinking about all the repair work that needed to take place and I was wondering how I was going to get the landlord to do it for us. We had finished the first load and had just arrived with another. I was walking into the side door and I saw the face of a dread-locked caribbean man who had pink eyes and white chalky complexion come out of the ground. I was unhappy about this and exerted a force to make it go away. I realized the house was haunted and I was not happy about it. I went up a dark stairway onto the second floor to the large room where I was currently moving stuff. I set down the box that I was carrying. I was looking around at the glass doors and windows that were open and hanging from the ceiling and wondering how all this work was going to get done when water started coming out of a light socket above me and getting on the clothes I had just brought up. I started to do some thing with my hands. I was envisioning large orbs of orange light pushing from my outstretched hands. I was saying some like, “Spirits, you must leave” or something with force and I was envisioning the cleansing and clearing of the place. I was very upset and putting a lot of energy into this and wondering if it was going to be enough. I saw through the window downstairs that Andy was there. Then the phone rang. It was my old friend Sean. He was wondering if we had finished moving in. He asked if we were going to some party because he was thinking about it. There’s some vague recollection of another part of the dream where I was with him but I can’t connect with it right now… maybe lost forever. Then I remember talking to someone about the haunted house. They were telling me about Count Spooky Scare. That his spirit was residing in the house. We were thinking that he was a myth but this person was telling me he was real.
Three BoysSunday, October 3rd, 2004
It was daytime. We were taking three boys down to a place where we were going to execute them. I remember having a rifle with me. I don’t remember what they’d done. I leaned the rifle up against a chain link fence. A woman came up and I thought that maybe we couldn’t go through with it. Then, we were stnaind in the area where they were to be executed and my uncle Butch was alive and standing there. He was starting to open up about missing my dad. Then I think aunt Mary was there and she was holding him. Then I started talking about how my dad and I never got along but for all that I still loved him so much and missed him dearly.
Then it was night. I was standing there with Butch and he was telling me that he was seeing a girl. I was like who? I thought he was alluding to seeing my dad’s ex-girlfriend. It was a girl named Naomi who was blonde and young, about 25. Then I got to thinking this was a lesbian relationship.
I was leaning in a doorway of a bar or nightclub. This man came up and started talking with me. He was wearing army green clothing. I was aksing him questions and he kept responding like he couldn’t hear me. I came to realize that there was something wrong with him. I asked him where he was from. He responded, “Prospect.” Then he pulled out something that looked like a transparent pearl. He said it was oxygen and gave it too me. Then he left.
The G NamesWednesday, September 29th, 2004
I had this dream/nightmare of the names, Guillermo, Guillaume
and Guesepe. I was trying to spell them and there was something else about interaction.
KeysTuesday, September 21st, 2004
Nightmare last night about fitting keys into keyholes. I seem to recall it being nighttime, and there was a large white monster loose on the property. Another person or part of my self was keeping a lookout for it while I tried the keys.
FrisbeeTuesday, September 21st, 2004
There were two women throwing a frisbee back and forth over a body of water. I was at the head of the body of water and indicated to the woman on my left that I would like to receive the frisbee. She tossed it too me and I tossed it to the woman on the right but I didn’t toss it very well and it wobbled a bit and went off course. She exclaimed that I needed to throw it with two fingers. I didn’t understand what she was talking about but surmised that she must be British. She toss it to the woman on my left again. That woman, instead of tossing directly too me, threw it into a breeze far above my head with the intention of it swooping back down toward me. There was a person walking under the path of the frisbee and as it arced and proceeded back toward me, and lost its draft and was falling toward the person walking toward me. I thought about warning him but didn’t think that chance was too high that it would collide with him. I was wrong. It proceeded to careen down rapidly nailing him right in the head. I felt guilty for not having warned him and walked up to him and apologized for not doing so.
The Port KeyTuesday, September 7th, 2004
I’m riding a motorcycle. Its in a dream world that I’ve been in plenty of times… the back alleys and streets around my grandmother’s house. There’s a need to get inside of some place… and its through a port with a specific number (computer reference). I get to the gate of the place which has two men gaurding it. I tell them emphatically that I need to get inside. But the ports are closing… they’re dirt and I can see the dirt holding up the entrance. I ride into the first entrance but when I make it to the second I realize that its too closed up and I can’t get through so I turn around. The first entrance is closing also so I lay the motorcycle down so that the back wheel is spinning with the throttle and I use the knobbies on the tire at full speed to break up the dirt in the entrance to the point that I’m able to get out.
Next thing I know, I’m watching from somewhere in the air a crowd of people walking on a hillside on a road toward a very large wrought iron gate, probably 10 feet tall and thick. I know that this is the only other port. The crowd is ushered in through the gate and it is closed from the outside by a man. He proceeds to climb the gate to get over. I notice that there’s a road on the hillside above and I’m coming on my motorcycle.
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