I’m in a large nursery. Jerry has asked me to do some work for him at a nursery where he brings in fertilizers and such to help the employees keep the plants that they sell healthy. There’s a particular young man who’s showing me around so that I know which plants, which water sources, and which containers to focus on. There’s a particularly large fertilizer container that I’m focusing on. There’s also a plant that’s been cultivated that someone sells for $6. I’m scooping out fertilizer and giving it to plants and being shown around the premises. The dream switches and I’m in a house that I haven’t seen before. There’s a dining room in the front of the house and Jerry is sitting at the table. It’s rather dark. There’s a small study off to the side where my mom is laying in a recliner. At this moment, David comes home in a newer VW Beatle. He has a woman with him. I rub Jerry on the leg and walk outside to greet them. I get a flash of having been in a bar.