rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog


Had two dreams with similar things going on.
1) I walk up with Mel to a new estate he’s purchased. It’s at night. It feels a little eery. We’re at the gate which requires a code to get in and Mel asks me if I remember it. I don’t. Then he does and the gate opens. We step inside and it’s dark. There is a main house and another dwelling beside it. Both are dark grey and appear to be made from steel. I walk into the other dwelling and there’s someone there, possibly on a phone talking with someone about something that seems intense. I make my presence known before walking outside further into the property. There is a field beyond where there’s a night crew picking something. There’s also a large pond or lake. I ask Mel if that’s part of the property and he says no. I walk out there and as I do, it becomes lighter out. I noticed that there’s a fountain where people come on a regular basis. It’s like a large park and it is right up against Mel’s property.
2) I’m in a large house where there are a lot of people. Seems to be like a private class of some sort. We’re all doing morning stuff. I walk into the back yard to go to the corner of the property to go and meditate. The property butts up against a large lake. The corner of the property is partly submerged but there’s a pathway just at the water level to walk out to a meditation bench that’s been built there. Someone notices that I’m going and wants to take a picture of me walking on water. I have to take off my socks. I walk along the stepping stones until I get to the bench and I see a rock that has the name “Jethro” on it. I think of Christine.

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