Fragment 1 – Sasquatch was trying to visit his family but he was misunderstood.
Fragment 2 – Two white dogs were in my Mom’s back yard. One seemed like he was my dog but I didn’t recognize him. I think he was a wolf. The other was beyond my understanding.
Fragment 3 – I was with a bunch of guys who were working on various machines. I was trying to fix, tune, or operate a motorcycle that had a flexible computer screen built into the tank. It wouldn’t go to the screen where I needed to make adjustments and I was frustrated that I couldn’t get it the OS go beyond a simple intro part of the flow and there was no one to help me.
Fragment 4 – An airline that was flying to Oregon (possibly Oregon Airlines) was flying a slogan on their plane: “Have you seen Sasquatch lately?”
Fragment 5 – Omri and I are in a very large cabin type home. I get the feeling that we’re in the forest and it’s very late at night. The house is not illuminated well and I’m searching for something and frustrated that I can’t find it and not feeling that comfortable being there. Laura and Noam came in and Noam is at least two years older and communicative. He’s wearing a gold chain with a pendant on it that has characters that I can’t read because he’s put the pendant in his mouth. I also have something in my mouth like a piece of jewelry or something. I ask him what it means and he replies, “It’s a bringer of light.”