I’m at a sun dance on a mountain. There’s a lot of dirt and I don’t actually see the tree anywhere. I’m coming down from a higher elevation on the mountain toward what I think is the front gate. I get down to where I think I’m standing with the intercessor and I get on my hands on knees and become a buffalo. I’m holding this for quite some time and I feel what it’s like to be the buffalo.
I feel powerful and with purpose.
I can’t think of anything that would trigger this dream.
I’m with a group of college kids. I’ve come upon this group because they need help with the production of some event. Anthony is with me. We perform our assistance with the group and afterward the group gets together and decides to give us official titles. Anthony gets “public relations.” I think that’s perfect for him and I think he won’t live up to it. I awaken before they tell me what my title is but I think it’s going to be something to do with technology.
I wonder if I have enough time to give this group. I think that technologist would be good because I have access and communicate with a lot of people.
I’m part of UCM and I’m conducting a memorial today, so this could be a mix of the two.
Tags: Anthony, buffalo, tatanka sun dance