rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Trees and buffalo

I was standing in the courtyard of a haciende style ranch house. There were some really tall trees beyond this large barn which looked to be fir trees. Out in the distance was a herd of buffalo, but they weren’t dark brown as I’m used to seeing them, but rather a reddish and blondish colour; very striking. I was listening to a very tall man who was talking about something the a woman named Eileen had said. Interesting thing that I knew that the woman he was referring too was my yoga teacher, Kimberly. He was commenting on her saying something about the redwoods being torn down or something. I realized that he shouldn’t have said that because it was innaccurate but it was too late. The large trees behind him started falling one by one. I was aghast and deeply saddened. Odd thing though: the trees falling started a stampede by the buffalo and they started running right at the house. We all turned and ran toward the house with the charging buffalo right on our heals. I was very afraid. I ran in through a doorway and turned to slam the door and saw a German Shephard also running the doorway with the buffalo right behind. I awoke.

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