I was at my mom’s house and I was trying to fly with this contraption held out in front of me by both hands. It was white, boxy shaped, and had two large handles. I kept trying to fly high into the but each time I got over 30 feet or so, I would come down. A couple times I was really close to hitting telephone wires. There was some sort of owl watching and a woman told me to look at the underside of it’s wings. There are the initials, “AYL.” I didn’t quite understand this and wonder how the owl’s wings could naturally create letters. I also kept thinking of the letter, “W.”
Players: Me, woman
Events: Trying to fly, seeing owl wing and hearing woman
Symbols: Flying, owl
Thoughts: I keep thinking that there’s something from my mother’s house I’ve been trying to learn, and I’m now to the point that I’m starting to fly. I’m just not sure what it is that I’m trying to learn.