I was with a woman and she told me that she could help me get something that would help me go deeper spiritually. We were standing outside a makeshift building that was standing with three sides. In front was a fence made from old posts, chicken wire, and whatever else was available. I sensed that what was inside this little fortress was Peruvian. The woman told me that if I could climb the fence and get me what was inside, she would help me. I climbed the fence and had just reached the ground on the inside when a yellow man came up to me. He was completely hairless and reminded me of Christian. He had giant royal blue ear plugs, a blue band across his eyes. He simply told me that I had to leave. I told that wouldn’t be a problem but I asked him if he could share with me what was there. As I reached the top of the fence, there was a platform at the top and I looked down as saw a tiny black widow spider and I told the woman about it. I then noticed a couple more black insects crawling about, then I saw a really large black widow go into a hole in the fence. The yellow man was very close to it.
Tags: black widow, fence, Peru, yellow man