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Posts Tagged ‘city’

Breaking the CodeTuesday, April 14th, 2015

I’m in a city that it under attack. Detail are sketchy, but I’m treading water in a bay of the city with some other people when a plain swoops in and fires upon a building. The shrapnel almost hits us and is rather scary. I realize that there’s a connection between some music I’ve heard, an old film reel, and a very old movie, and I start to analyze the three in conjunction and realize the code that the enemy is using to communicate, kind of like Turring. I realize also that this knowledge is pretty obtuse so when I tell people, I better be pretty certain. When I look at the film reel, it’s more like I’m seeing a black and white film of a metal music box type of construction. I tell someone what’s going on and get a fairly stale reception, but they realize over time that I’m right.

Bicycle Boy, Colorful CommuneTuesday, March 24th, 2015

I’m walking around a city and I can’t tell if it’s the edge of morning or night, but it’s very dimly lit. I’m on foot and heading toward a home that’s not mine. When I get there, I realize that I don’t want to go in so I continue walking. I’m really enjoying myself. Then I start to skip but in a most strange fashion. I’m swinging my legs way out in a large circle, then bring the foot behind the other but bouncing forward at the same time. I realize this probably looks strange but I like it and I don’t care. I’m getting close to a school as I travel down the sidewalk, and I see a boy on a bicycle coming toward me. It’s a blue Schwinn bicycle. The boy is probably 12, he’s thin and black. I move a bit to the side so he can pass but as he’s about to pass me, he jumps off his bike with a growl and lurches to attack me. I project my left arm in an attempt to strike him and wake up.

I’m in a very large building that’s housing hundreds of students of all different ages. There are continual classes going on and people are getting together to learn all kinds of things. There’s a scientific group that’s studying fish and when they’re done, they cook all these different fish in different ways and you can go eat them. There are groups of gay men there and I befriend one of them but when I want to talk to him, I come across a polyamorous group playing. I continue walking around and there is a group of girls that want to talk with me. Looking around, everything is so colourful and vibrant. Personalities, clothing, objects, everything has a liveliness to it. I’m considering my place in this environment. Does it suit me, do I fit in? The girls, I realize are hitting on my until I finally tell one of them that I’m gay. They’re really disappointed, but it explains things for them. I think a couple of them don’t care and continue flirting with me.

Thoughts: Another black boy on a bicycle… it’s like they’re guardians of something. When I start to make my own decisions, they pop up and scare me awake.

Beach Cliff, Destitute CitySunday, March 1st, 2015

I was on a beach where the ocean water was a beautiful turquoise blue and very calm. I swam around a large rock, out into the ocean and then back to the shore. The beach was bordered with a large cliff and I want to leave so I started climbing the cliff wall on a climbing trail. When I got to the top, the cliff face was angled outward and seemed a little daunting to climb up over the ledge and required me to hang on and pull myself up. I was a little worried, but I was more worried about the two guys that were behind me. They were bigger and heavier than I was and I wondered if I would be able to help them without endangering myself.

I was in a large city that I’ve been in before in dreamland, where it’s over-populated, there’s much destitution, and much crime. Unfortunately, I didn’t write this dream down fast enough and lost what happened, but I do recall being in fear of crime, and concerned how I was going to take care of myself and make a living.

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