rhythma - sean michael imler

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Posts Tagged ‘cliche’

Random StuffWednesday, May 27th, 2015

I’m at a work related conference. It seems that I keep leaving clothes in places and people are taking them. The conference is getting ready to end and I’ve lost pants and a sweater. There is a 3-some at the conference, two girls and a guy. They’re doing motorcycle tricks in the parking lot. Very impressive. The blond girl is really into me and as the conference ends is severely picking up on me and kissing me.

A big man gets up to a microphone and says, “When I get up, when I get up, it’s time to get the party started.”

Jerry says something like, “I love motivating phrases that contain cliches.”

I ask, “How do you tell the different between a parent and their child?” Someone replies, “The child always uses a safe.”

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