rhythma - sean michael imler

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

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Posts Tagged ‘investor’

VBScript, WeldingFriday, January 30th, 2015

I was talking with a guy about the DOM and some of the tools that Microsoft had come out with early on in web development. I was telling him that I’d been out of programming for a long time and didn’t really remember much. I explained that these tools I had allowed me to look into the DOM long before Firefox and Chrome had it built into the browser and he was intrigued about the history of all that. He told me that he was working with VBScript and I said that it wasn’t something I was used to writing in. He was pulling some code together for a project and he wanted me to look at it to see if I could read it. I thought that would be interesting but the dream changed before I had a chance to.

When the dream changed, I ended up at the base of a large building under construction. There was a welding problem that couldn’t be overcome. I can’t recall exactly what it was, but I solved the problem. It was the middle of the night when this was going on and it was a time sensitive problem because one of the investors was coming in the morning. I also had a huge fast food cup the size of a large vat, complete with a lid and straw that I was drinking out of. In the morning when the investor came, they showed him around and made reference to the obstacles that we were overcoming. I remember picking up this huge cup and drinking out of it in front of some woman that was there.

Events: Talking with guy about programming, fixing problem on building, drinking out of huge cup.
Players: Me, programming guy, foreman, investor, woman
Thoughts: The big cup is like a toast to hard work. Maybe because of the meeting I had yesterday with UCM.

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