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Posts Tagged ‘psychic’

Maori Psychic, FragmentsWednesday, April 1st, 2015

I went to see a woman who did readings and healings and she was doing some cross-polination of Chinese and Southeast Asian practices. I was sitting there while some things were being done and she told me that a Maori pristess or something was coming and it was a great opportunity for me. The woman who showed up was definitely caucasian and dressed up in a really gaudy outfit. She had a strange accent, and started talking to me about things related to my destiny. We got up from where I was sitting and went to a little table in a courtyard near a street where there were other shops and some really interesting carvings against a wall to my left. While she told me that everything was in alignment for me, I was looking at the carvings that looked to be of bone. They seemed to be of Greek heroes, and you could see the wires from the bows. I wanted to take pictures because the lighting was so cool. The woman started to talk about something important when this guy came waddling across the street in a dragon costume. We asked why he was wearing it and he said because it made it safer to cross the street. When she started talking about something else that I was actually interested in hearing, some people in the cafe across the way started doing some sort of musical number like a flash mob. It was silly and I awoke.

I had arrived at a house in a big red pickup. It was in a forest somewhere and I had parked in a neighbor’s driveway and had dropped some things about in different places. We found out that a fire was coming and we needed to evacuate which was too bad. I needed to get back to the truck and pick things up so we could leave.

I was talking with a man and we went into the house and I sat in a chair to find that Mel had taken apart my capo and I was trying to get all the pieces back in order so I could put it back together.

I had materialized in a large drain pipe in a forest. I saw a cute furry creature and when I walked out of the drain, whispered to it. It started to approach me but I noticed that it didn’t look really healthy and I didn’t want to touch it. I exited the drain and turned left and saw a man that I started to follow and converse with. He had really long dark hair.

FragmentsThursday, March 26th, 2015

I’m with a group of people and some teacher. There’s a young blonde woman talking to the teacher and I’m sitting close by listening. He’s asking her about dates for birth, time of birth, and something else. The teacher tells me to give them the information so I close my eyes and say, “Aug 24th or 25th, at either 5:16am or 6:16am.” There’s a shiver that comes over my body and when I open my eyes, the woman is looking at me with a look of shock on her face.

I’m walking along the rim of a large chasm or valley. I’m looking at the water far below and asking someone if we should put in a diving board. Suddenly, I’m in a house with Dave and a mini Dave, and his parents. His dad is telling me that he needs healing work done that I’m agreeing to, as I look out the window at two men and a kid playing out by the riverside. We walk out of the house and I end up getting stickers in my socks so I need to sit on a bench to pull them out before I put on my boots. Mini Dave is talking to me and I have a dream within a dream of some kid in colored darkness and I’m telling the Daves about it.

Thoughts: Both dreams seems to have healing stuff in them. The Wind Cries Mary was running thru my head.

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