I’m in an office for a new job. They’ve given me a desk in the center of a large room and it has all kinds of computer related junk on it. My system needs to be set up and I’m doing it myself. All of the equipment seems to be rather old. There’s also seems to be a party going on. They’ve brought in a vendor to make custom sandwiches for people. I have to travel back to someone else’ office which is a cubby with a curtain separating it from someone else. It’s very makeshift and I think about how strange this environment is. When I get back to my desk, it’s clear but they’ve put made sandwiches on it. I’d like one but it appears that they’re claimed already. A guy announces that there’s one with x, y, and z. I want it but someone comes to take it. I tell him that I want one with turkey and parmesan. He thinks that sounds really good. There’s a feeling of not fitting in. Also of having old equipment that I need to sort thru.
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