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Posts Tagged ‘school’

The Education BuildingSaturday, June 6th, 2015

There’s a school that I’m a part of that went thru some sort of sordid past. It was a school of great metaphysical learning and power, and at some point it was taken over by some people that misused the power and destroyed the school. We found the remains but there were some very old chambers or crypts where things haven’t been completely cleaned up. It’s somewhat hidden at this point. The school is functioning again, not at its former glory, but people are trying to resurrect it so that it can become great again, but it has a hard time letting go of its sordid past. I know there are secret tunnels and things that I’m curious about.

I’m in a car with a woman who’s showing me a building which I think is the school. She has a remote control and she’s able to point it at any building obscuring the view of the building we’re actually there to see which is off at a distance, down a hill, and behind at least 6 other buildings. When she points the remote at a building and presses a button, that building dematerializes. She’s able to do that for every building until we get to a very large one on the right and it doesn’t work. But I have to see this building from all angles and so we drive down the hill to get a better look. It’s surrounded by shops on the lower level, a few ponds with meandering paved foot paths and benches, lots of glass, and very modern. The building itself looks rather old but has been brought up to date.

I don’t know if I’m this person, but there’s a young man who’s chosen to not receive training and follow in the footsteps of an admiral or some very well todo family. He orders a late or something such drink from a barista who happens to be related to the family. After he makes his goodbyes to the family that he meets there, he takes an elevator down below somewhere to leave. His phone rings and he answers it. It’s the barista. She tells him that his drink’s ready and he says that he’s actually leaving. She asks, “Why did you order the drink if you’re truly going to leave?” This makes the young man cry as he knows that he really doesn’t want to leave, that’s he’s making this decision for the wrong reason and that he ordered the drink unconsciously to make him return.

The Lady Next DoorThursday, September 25th, 2014

I was living at my mom’s. Rob was living there as well. I was trying to think of ways that I could improve my relationship with him because walking around the house was like a mine field. He was dominating the living room and I felt confined to my bedroom. My Mini Cooper was parked out by where the trash cans go. I was supposed to be going to school, which was Valley College in the valley neighborhood. I seemed to have a Thursday night schedule and school was just starting for the semester. I had two obligations and was getting in the car to leave. I noticed that the dash board was flipped down and I had to flip it up to see the gauges. When I did, the dash was a modern version of the old classic dash I had. The gas gauge was very different and modern, and I had to analyze it for a moment to access whether it was working. The gauges were all very colorful. I drove up the block before I realized that I didn’t know exactly where I was going and I turned around and drove back up the block to my my mom’s. This time when I got there, I made a u-turn in from of Bonnee’s and noticed that there was a beautiful garden in front. I had a recognition that it was Brad who made it this way. I had overshot it to park, but decided to back up so I could look at the beautiful plants. There was an amazingly healthy hydrangea with large pink flowers, and other flowering plants. As I was looking at them, I was in front of the next door neighbor’s (Tracy’s) driveway when an older woman came up to the car. I recognized her as being the person that lived there, although in reality, I have no idea who she was. She started talking to me about her son. She was walking with a walker but was trying to detach a couple canes from the walker because she was apparently going to drive somewhere. She was telling me that she was unhappy with her son because he wouldn’t visit her and he wouldn’t let anyone visit for long. I guessed that he was also somewhat physically incapacitated because she alluded to him having a chair or walker or something, and that no one could see him higher than his ankles. I guess he had boots and some sort of electrical device. Suddenly, there was another woman with her and there were two bicycles. They were telling me that they were going to throw one of them away because it was broken. I asked what was wrong with it and started to look examine it. The seat was missing a couple bolts that had caused the whole seat mechanism (which was overly complicated) to fall apart. I told them it wasn’t necessary to get rid of it and I could help them fix it. The woman was very pleased and mentioned that she wished her son was like me.

Players: Me, Rob, woman next door, additional woman
Events: Thinking about collaborating with Rob, driving off, returning, seeing garden, meeting woman next door
Symbols: Gas gauge, school, bicycle, mini cooper, Rob, woman next door, garden
Thoughts: I had a conversation with Mel about the dash on the mini recently. I wished that I could have a healthy beautiful garden like the one in front of Bonnee’s. Interesting that I was having some remorse about the situation with Rob. The garden wasn’t at my mom’s, it was next door.

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