rhythma - sean michael imler

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

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Posts Tagged ‘silver balls’

Luiz’, Kevin’s BeadWednesday, January 21st, 2015

I was at Luiz’ house. His house was two stories, and the upper story sat adjacent to an enclosed parking lot. It was all glass, and seemed a lot more like a store than a house. The upper level was the kitchen and living room. There were a number of houses but none of them looked right over the parking lot like Luiz’. His was also the very last house. I was going to be staying there that night and I was getting ready for bed. I realized that I needed to get my phone out of my truck, so I went out of the front of the house which led out to a large plaza that was also a park. I walked to the very corner of it and there were people there sleeping under white sheets. Something else happened out there but I can’t quite recall what it was. I got my phone and called Mel and we talked on the phone as I walked back to the house. When I got inside, I proceeded up to the second floor and saw that there were all kinds of old television sets from miniature ones, b&w, larger ones, stacked on top of each other, all playing the same show, which looked like a music video.

I was walking onto a bus or something of that nature, with Kevin C. He was immobile and wore some sort of contraption on his legs to help him get around. They were like motorized ski boots with wheels. He could stand, just couldn’t walk. I needed to help him up 3 stairs to get on this bus and when I pulled off his boots, these beads fell all over the carpet. They were tiny silver threaded balls like piercing jewelry and tiny pearls. Lots of them. I got on the floor and started scooping them up and asked Kevin why they were loose like that but didn’t get an answer.

Players: Me, Luiz, Andrea, Mel, Kevin, People in white sheets
Events: Walking around Luiz’ place, calling Mel, seeing televisions, helping Kevin on bus
Thoughts: I recall the pearls with silver could help you harness the energy of the moon, especially when it’s full. Maybe to help bring more clarity about the moon’s message.

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