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Posts Tagged ‘song’

Music at ChurchSunday, May 24th, 2015

I’m sitting in a nice chapel, in the right corner in the back. There’s music being played by some women. Some of it is pre-recorded. A woman is singing and another is playing a stringed instrument. Then there are some harmonies that come in and it’s very nice. Suddenly, a woman stops the pre-recorded music abruptly and switches over to a different device and continues playing it to the end. It’s a rough transition but it works and they keep going. Doti walks over to me and puts a piece of paper in front of me and asks me if I want to do some song that’s somewhat popular. I say no because I haven’t had any time to rehearse or prepare. She walks away. I kind of resent being an afterthought as well and wish that there had been better planning. Then I look at the paper and I can’t make heads or tails of what she’s written on it and I’m glad I said no. Another performer gets up. This time it’s a man and he incorporates theatre style acting into a song. It’s ok. I eventually stand up and behind me are tall grey buses, but they’ve opened the back up in a way that the rear of the bus turns at a right angle. When they get ready to drive away, they close. I look into the glass to see who’s inside and comment to the man standing next to me that the right angle thing is really strange.

Song on the HillSaturday, May 9th, 2015

I’m on a grassy knoll or hill. I realize I’m living here and this is my yard. I cross a fence and descend some steps and realize that they neighbors are hanging their laundry and that I’ve crossed over into their yard so I quietly go back up the steps into my yard. Then I look across to another hill that has a tiny creek running around the outside and there’s a small path with a cute little Japanese style bridge crossing the creek. I think to myself that that would be a wonderful place to play guitar and I’m thinking about going over there. There is a guy and a girl there doing something and I don’t want to impose upon them. Next, someone it playing the recording of song for me. The vocals are really rough, yet strangely beautiful. The instrumentation fades as the song ends, and it sounds really organic as each instruments fades out of the song.

Thoughts: The steps were these really disjointed heights similar to another dream I had recently. That’s interesting.

CeremonyFriday, May 1st, 2015

I’m asked to participate in a ceremony. There’s a large black jacket that an army jacket that has really short sleeves and they’ve asked me to unzip them and put it on. I’m supposed to represent the west. I recall that I know a perfect west song but I can’t recall what it is. I keep thinking of the letter “k” and the Wakinyan. I decide to go to the bathroom. It’s dark and I pull out my cell phone and I’m looking for the song to listen to it. The person who used the bathroom previous to me didn’t flush.

Oh KindraWednesday, March 18th, 2015

I walked into a room and a I think Sandra was teaching. I had a bunch of yellow flowers in my hand. The teacher asked everyone to pick up a drum or rattle and sit down. We were going to sing a song to Kindra. She asked me to be the vocal lead. The rhythm was a polka with two backbeat hits every other time and the end of every measure, I would say, “Oh Kindra.” She really wanted me to ham it up. It was pretty fun. I did a wipeout Beach Boys Kindra, a Bella Lugosi Kindra, etc. I think Kindra was a young woman that was there.

Mud Track, Mom’s Garage, Guitar SetSaturday, March 14th, 2015

There’s a mud track like a motorcycle track and there’s I’m following a woman thru the twists and turns. I notice some tracks that go off the side and down the hill, a big oops. As we go along the track, and follow the tracks to see where they end up. It looks like they didn’t get hurt or anything, just a little shaken up. I’m possibly on a motorcycle, not sure.

I can’t recall if this was from last night or a memory from another dream, but I remember being in mom’s garage with motorcycles. There are lights and parts, and it seems to be dusk. I’m working on stuff, hanging out.

I was getting ready to a filming of a live song performance. I had worked out my guitar part to a song that required a capo that I’d forgotten to put on, and meeting the drummer (white woman) and the bass player or horn player (black man in a suit) for the first time. We knew our parts individually but had never rehearsed together, but the song we knew and there shouldn’t be any surprises. I’m getting ready and I’m going over the chords. It’s a cool song and I’m liking doing this. One of the people on the set is waiting for his grandmother to show up and a station wagon pulls up and she’s sitting in the passenger seat, watching. I think she’s been sick so it’s a big deal that she’s here.

Thoughts: I just pulled from my notes on mom’s garage and I don’t know that I have the dream correct, but I have a recollection of something. Strange.

The Only Other Way Is UpTuesday, November 4th, 2014

This was associated with the song I heard. There was actually another song playing in the room but I can’t remember it. I only remember the sound of a gravely sliding bass line that really provoked the feeling of the song which was about people crossing over. So, I had walked into this room and it was filled with either dead people or people who were terminally ill, I’m not sure which. They were all holding devices that I believe were receivers for information. I was part of a group of people that were walking in with sending devices or communication devices. I had one as well but mine was loosely wrapped in a carrying bag. I felt a little out of place but walked thru the room with the others, pointing our devices toward those who were already in the room. There was a song playing that was the perfect crossing over song. It was brilliant and I remember thinking that I’d wished I’d composed it. After I’d made a round of the room, I went and sat down in a chair at a different table than Mel because the chair next to him had things on the table in front of it so it was obviously already taken. I was sitting at the end of the table next to a largish man who I didn’t recognize. There was an empty chair on the other side of him and Kirby came and sat down in it. That’s when I realized that the man I was sitting next to was Trey. When I looked over at Mel again, he was gone.

Players: Me, senders, receivers, Mel, Trey, Kirby
Events: Walking thru room with device, listening to song, sitting downing, recognizing Trey.
Symbols: Communication devices, chairs, song, dead or dying people
Thoughts: The fact that my device is wrapped means I haven’t really stepped into this, but I’m close. I felt very disconnected from Mel. Trey and Kirby were connected.

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